I clenched my jaw. The girl had a fucking incredible body, and my cock was raging hard, but she was wasted. Every time she spoke it became clear how much drunker she was than I had realized. Seeing her dad that sick must have really pushed her limits.

Damn. She pouted again, trying to look sexy, pressing her breasts together. “Come on, Nash,” she said. “Give me what I want. Give me that big SEAL cock.”

I shook my head. “Put your clothes on,” I grunted.

“Why?” She stepped toward me and then stumbled. “Oh, I don’t feel good.”

“Shit,” I muttered. “That’s why.”

“I think I need to use the bathroom.”

“Come on,” I said, and helped her back through the bedroom. I put her down in front of the toilet and she instantly threw up.

And my erection instantly went away.

Nothing killed my fucking boner faster than puke.

“I’m sorry,” she groaned into the toilet, and I just laughed.

“You’re fine,” I said. “Just do your thing.”

I sat there and made sure she didn’t choke on her own puke as she emptied her stomach into the toilet. Poor girl had gotten fucking wasted because of all this. The least I could do was sit there and make sure she didn’t fucking die.

After a few minutes, she leaned back against the tub. “I think I’m okay,” she slurred.

“Good,” I said. “Pass out now. I’ll be in the other room. Just yell.”

She looked at me. “Nash?”


“I’m glad you’re here.”

I looked at her for a second. “Yeah, me too.”

I turned and left. I left the bedroom door open so I could make sure I heard if she yelled, and then I collapsed onto the couch, sipping my drink.

I had not wanted to see her puke like that, but for some fucking weird reason I hadn’t been insanely repulsed by her. Any other slut in my life would have been tossed out so fast she could barely breathe, but for some reason I wasn’t sickened by that with Selena. Instead, I felt weirdly worried for her.

That was not fucking like me.

When had this fake marriage become something else? I couldn’t put my finger on it. Somewhere along the line I went from looking at her as a useful means to an end to looking at her as a person in my life.

She was supposed to be just a convenient tool to use. She was supposed to keep me in line long enough to get me back into active duty.

Instead, I was starting to give a shit about her. I cared about her damn family, I couldn’t get her out of my head, and I cared about how she felt.

That was not what I had signed up for.

I stood up and undressed. I hadn’t heard anything new from Selena in a few minutes, so I assumed she was passed out by the toilet. I turned off the TV and got into my little couch bed, still sipping my whisky.

I couldn’t get her body or her words out of my head. Fuck, if only she weren’t so drunk, I would have fucked her rough and deep, made her never forget my cock.

At least I had my whisky.



I woke up with a disgusting taste in my mouth.

It took me a minute or two before what had happened came back to me.

Oh my god I threw myself at him, I thought to myself, shocked. And he had turned me down.

I was mortified. The events of the night slowly came back to me. I remembered drinking too much wine at dinner but not saying anything to him. The stress of seeing my dad so sick must have pushed me over the edge, because when we got back to the hotel, I’d just kept drinking.

And then I got wasted, really wasted. And I said some really dirty things to him. Oh my god, I took off my shirt and threw myself at him.

And then he had watched me puke.

I curled up into a ball feeling like death, and mortified on top of that. I did not want to see him at all, couldn’t face him. I wanted to curl up and die or maybe just disappear.

The thing was, I meant what I had said last night. I loved his cock, his body. He was an asshole, but I was beginning to see past that exterior, beginning to understand him a little bit better. He was such a prick, but he was my prick.

Grunting, I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. My head was pounding and my stomach was a mess. I brushed my teeth and tried to make myself look halfway presentable, but that was a losing battle.

I went back out into the bedroom and opened the door. “Nash?” I called out.

It was time for some serious apologizing. I knew I was going to have to deal with his mocking jokes and cocky looks, but I probably deserved it. Maybe if I preempted him with some serious apologizing, he’d let me off lightly.