Selena kept up with me. “Wait. We can’t leave!”

“Fuck yeah we can.” I pushed open the back door and we walked outside.

She laughed as we moved away, putting distance between us and my horde of adoring fans. Brown’s campus was beautiful, and we walked fast away from the bookstore, heading deeper between the buildings.

“You didn’t have to do that,” she said after a minute. “I’m getting paid some insane hourly rate just to sit there, you now.”

“I know,” I said, grinning. “I was bored too. You’re just my excuse.”

“Ah,” she said, smiling. “The truth comes out.”

We kept walking together, slowing our pace down. “Do you miss it?” I asked her.

“Miss what?”

“Your school. Your friends. Home. You left a lot for this.”

“Yeah, I guess so.” She frowned. “I hadn’t really thought about it, honestly. I guess I don’t miss it that much.”

“You’re too busy having fun with me.”

She gave me a look. “Not exactly. Although I do like the room service.”

“You like the room service from me, specifically.”

“Aren’t you exhausted?” she asked. “I mean, how can you hit on me after all that?”

“Used to it, I guess.”

“You’re good with them, you know.”

I shrugged. “I guess so. That’s probably why this whole thing even happened.”


“The fame. I didn’t really expect my book to take off like this, but here I am.”

She nodded. “Yeah. You don’t seem like the fame type.”

“But you get it now.”

“I do. I don’t know how you’ve done it. I’m exhausted and it’s only been a little while.”

I grinned and put my arm around her. She didn’t move away. “You’ll get used to it.”

“Maybe,” she said softly. “By the way, I was meaning to ask: Where did you disappear to last night at dinner?”

I glanced at her. “The bathroom.”

She looked confused. “No. You didn’t go toward the bathrooms. You went outside.”

“Oh. That. I had to meet a donor out there.”

She nodded but didn’t say anything. We walked together like that in silence, enjoying the view. We were like normal people for a second, even a normal couple. It felt good to have my arm around her, felt good to not be smiling or acting fake for a fucking change.

“What’s your plan after all this?” she asked me after a few minutes.

“After the tour?”


I shrugged. “I want to get reinstated. Go back overseas, fight for my country.”

She frowned. “Is that really possible?”

“I think so, yeah,” I said.

“So you want to leave.”

“Guess so. I’m a SEAL after all. It’s what we fucking do.”

She nodded again. “I know. I know you keep saying that. I just thought—I don’t know. I wasn’t sure how serious you were.”

“It’s who I am, babe,” I said softly.

She stopped walking and looked at me. We were in an empty part of campus, a small walkway between two buildings with lots of shrubs and trees. We were alone, very alone, and I was suddenly very aware of that.

“You’re an asshole, you know that?” she said.

“Yeah,” I said, grinning at her. “And you want me.”

“Yeah,” she said, “I do.”

She pressed herself against me and I kissed her hard.

Fuck. It was like lightning through me. Her lips were incredible, her taste, her body. She kissed me hard, our mouths pressed together, lips working, tongues touching, bodies close. I wrapped my arms around her and grabbed her hair, taking her, making her mine.

The kiss was intense, passionate, all the built-up energy exploding outward.

And then she pulled back and pushed me. I stumbled a step back into the bushes. She pushed me again, this intense look on her face.

I pulled her after me. “You want this now, don’t you?”

She reached down and began to unbuckle my pants. “Just shut up,” she said.

I grinned at her as we moved back into the bushes. I stopped, my back up against the wall of the building.

She stared at me, lust filling her eyes, as she pulled down my pants and pressed her hands down my briefs, grasping my thick, hard cock.



I couldn’t stop myself from thinking it as soon as he spoke.

I don’t want him to leave.

I knew the deal from the beginning. Nash didn’t want to be in the limelight, didn’t want to be famous. That was all fine, since I figured he’d still want to be in the country. But it wasn’t until that moment, when he let his guard down ever so slightly, that I really understood.

Nash wanted to leave. He wanted to get back into combat, back overseas, back into traveling around the world fighting terrorists.

And that meant leaving me.

I didn’t know what came over me. I didn’t know why I cared so much, but the idea of him going back into combat drove me crazy. I knew who he was; I knew that was a part of him. But for some reason when he said it out loud, in that moment I couldn’t stand it.