I glanced down and wished I hadn’t. His big cock was pressing the towel upward, starting to get erect.

“Nash!” I said.

“You get me fucking hard as hell, girl.”

“Good night.” I turned and walked into the bedroom, slamming the door.

His laughter chased me back in there. I was soaked myself, and it took all of my willpower just to resist him.

But I had to keep resisting. He was dangerous, but worse than that, he wanted to leave. Even if our marriage was a total sham, there was no future there. Nash wanted to go back to war and that was that. One day he’d get his wish and I’d get my paycheck, and we’d both walk away happy.

Except I didn’t feel happy.

As I climbed into bed, I only felt frustrated.



Another morning after sleeping on a damn couch. My back ached, but that was probably the least of my concerns.

We had another signing in a half hour, and Selena took forever in the bathroom. As I pulled my shirt on over my head, I heard a loud knock at the door.

“Coming,” I grunted, pulling it open.

Livy walked in without an invitation.

“Good morning,” she said.

“Morning,” I grunted at her and finished getting dressed. “What’s up?”

“We have the signing. Where’s Selena?”

“Getting ready.”

She nodded and moved closer to me, speaking lower. “I heard from the publisher last night.”


“They’re happy with this marriage thing,” she said. “Or whatever it is.”

“Marriage,” I said firmly.

“Well, they’re happy with it. Apparently the media is buying your story, and you’re getting some pretty good play.”

“Good,” I said. “But my marriage isn’t about that.”

Livy smiled, looking pained. “You’re going to keep that up, huh? Okay, fine. But I’m just saying, keep it up.”

“Sure,” I grunted.

Just then, the bedroom door opened. “Hi, Liv,” Selena said.

“Hi, Selena.” Liv smiled at her.

Like a damn snake.

“Ready?” I grunted at Selena.

“Sure. Whenever you guys are.”

“Let’s go,” I said.

I glanced at Selena as we headed out, walking back down toward the bookstore. It was time for another few hours of fun.

She looked even more bored than she had the day before.

I couldn’t blame her. Sitting side by side with Selena, fan after annoying fan came up to the table and asked for an autograph. Sometimes the girls would make comments to me, and I watched Selena cringe every single time. I did my best to be diplomatic, although I really just wanted to tell them to fuck off.

I hated smiling and lying. It wasn’t my fucking thing, but I had a mission to do, and I completed my missions. Plus, the better I did, the more likely it was that the brass would put me back into the shit, and that was what I wanted above all else.

“Oh my god, Nash Bell.” The girl was short, had brown hair, and bright green eyes. Her tits were practically falling out of her shirt.

“Hi there,” I said. “Who should I make this out to?”

She leaned forward on the table, practically putting her breasts in my face. I leaned back slightly. “Make it out to Lucy,” she said. “And please, write down exactly how you like to get your cock sucked.”

I raised an eyebrow. “You know I’m married, right, Lucy?”

“I know,” she said, “and I’m okay with that. She can join in.”

I shook my head and glanced at Selena. She made a gagging face and I smiled.

Lucy, There are plenty of single guys out there for you. Nash.

Lucy was not going to like my inscription, but I handed it back to her with a smile.

She slipped me a piece of paper. “Call me if you want to fuck me.”

“No, thanks,” I said, but she was already walking away.

“Can you believe that?” Selena asked me.

I laughed, shaking my head. “They’re usually at least a little subtle.”

“I can’t believe women do that.”

“It’s a fame thing, I guess.” I grinned at her. “Plus, I am very good looking.”

She sighed but smiled.

The day dragged on that way. My hand was starting to get tired, and I could tell that the endless parade of sluts throwing themselves at me was starting to grate on Selena.

I knew it wasn’t really about her being jealous, but on some level it had to be. I mean, sure, it was disrespectful either way, but she had to be at least a little jealous.

After two hours of signing, I leaned close to her. “Bored?”

“I think I might die,” she said. “Actually die.”

“Let’s get out of here.”


“Come on,” I said, standing up. “Let’s go.”

She looked at me like I was nuts. Liv walked over to me. “What’s the problem, Nash?” she asked.

“Taking a break,” I said.

She frowned. “No break scheduled.”

“Too bad. I’m tired and so is my wife.” I grabbed Selena’s hand, pulling her to her feet. “We’ll be back soon.” I turned and quickly walked away, heading for the back door.