Melissa laughed, delighted. “Well isn’t this a delicious story. So, you two eloped. Why?”

“Impatience,” Nash said. “You know how I’ve been lately, drinking too much, partying too much. I’m ready to get my life together, and I want that life to be with Selena.”

Melissa practically melted at that. “Wow Nash. That’s so sweet. Selena?”

I looked at her. “Yes?”

She frowned at me. “What do you think?”

I blinked, blanking for a second. Nash quickly put his hand on my leg again. “Sorry. She’s a little camera shy,” he said.

Melissa smiled. “That’s okay. Nothing to be afraid of. Just tell me about the wedding.”

“It was good,” I said finally. “I’m just glad he’s finally getting himself together, is all.”

“Great,” she said, turning back to Nash. “Now, I have some questions about the upcoming movie.”

I spaced out as the two of them chatted about the movie and the book. I didn’t know why I had blanked like that and panicked. It must have been because of Nash’s answer. It had just seemed so sincere and honest, and frankly, it had taken me off guard.

He hadn’t said any of that stuff to me, or at least he hadn’t prepared me for that. I didn’t know he was playing this whole thing as some redemption story, but that did make sense. He wanted it to look like he was settling down, get the publishers off his back, make his fans happy.

And I was his arm candy, there to smile and look wholesome.

Fine. So long as I got my million dollars, I could do that. I could be his window dressing.

The interview slowly wound down and finally ended. We all stood up and shook hands again, though Melissa lingered on Nash.

“Great seeing you again, Nash,” she said. “We have to catch up.”

“Of course,” he said, smiling at her. “Whenever you want.”

“I’ll call you.” She glanced at me. “Bye, sweetie.” She turned and walked away.

I unclipped my microphone and placed it on the chair as Nash did the same thing. He grinned at me. “Good job,” he said.

“I don’t like her,” I said, and quickly regretted it.

His grin got huge. “Yeah? Because she wants to suck my cock, and that makes you jealous?”

“No,” I said. “Because she seems stuck up.”

“Yeah, okay.” He smirked at me, shaking his head. “Seriously though, you did great. We should celebrate.”

“Don’t you have a bunch more interviews to do?”

“Sure,” he said. “Afterward.”

“What should I do?”

“Go find Liv and sit with her. She’ll keep you safe.”

I nodded and started to walk away. I paused and looked back at him. “You didn’t mean any of that stuff, right?”

He cocked his head at me. “Acting, remember?”

“Right. Acting.”

I turned and quickly walked away.

So that was my first media interview. It was actually pretty painless, much easier than I had expected. Granted, Livy had specifically set us up with an easy first interview to ease me into the process. They’d only be getting harder and more intense from here on out.

But still, I found that sitting there and pretending like I was in love with Nash wasn’t so difficult. I mean, I didn’t love him for real of course; he was a cocky asshole. But he was charming and warm and kind when he wanted to be, too. There was more to him than just some dickhead Navy SEAL, though he was all SEAL.

All muscles and power and strength.

I quickly found Liv and sat down next to her. She more or less ignored me, which was fine with me.

I spent the next few hours watching Nash answer question after question, his smile plastered on his face.



My face was fucking tired of smiling by the time the day was finally over.

Mercifully, nobody wanted to interview Selena. Whether it as because they didn’t know who she was or because Liv did a good job of scaring them off, I couldn’t be sure. But we got through the day with only minor inconveniences.

“You’re good at that,” Selena said to me in the cab ride back to the hotel.

“Thanks, I guess,” I said.

“Seriously. You don’t seem like the media type, but you’re good at it.”

“It’s not really something I want to be good at.”

“Why not?”

I sighed, looking out the window. “This was never my idea,” I said softly.

“What do you mean? Aren’t you happy your book is doing well?”

I laughed, shaking my head. “Hell fucking no,” I said. “I never wanted a book to begin with.”

She frowned at me. “I’m confused.”

I looked at her and shrugged. How could she understand? She couldn’t, especially considering I wasn’t supposed to tell her the truth about this whole book deal farce.

For me, it was just another fucking mission that had to be completed. The money, the fame, it was all just shit I had to deal with.

The only thing I wanted more than anything else in the world was to get back out in the field. I wanted to feel the sun on my face, to feel the terror in my heart as I rode out into battle. I wanted to feel fucking alive again.