Page 7 of The Summer of Wild

Wilder doesn't answer right away because he's still looking at me, and I'm still looking at him. And this bizarre energy bounces between us for a split second before I look away, mortified.

I can't believe I was checking out Wilder—gross—and he caught me. Even worse.

I can explain this. I know I can. My body is simply revolting against itself because my boyfriend has suddenly taken a vow of celibacy after years of regular sexual activity. I just... I'm horny. And Wilder is not the worst thing to look at... sometimes. Until he opens his mouth, reminding me how disgusting he is, and how wrong it feels to even consider what his unclothed chest looks like.

"I think we should all move on from freshman year," Wilder exhales heavily. "And focus on what you want to tell us."

Freshman year. We barely survived. I started dating Cash, and Wilder pissed Cash off because he didn't like me. They didn't speak for months, and the year eventually ended with Wilder's terrible rendition of the alt-rock classic 'Wild Cox Summer', which we all briefly bonded over before he started calling me Blondie, officially. Thinking back now, more went on than I probably knew. Cash has always fiercely defended his friendship with Wilder. I learned early on not to say anything where Wilder is concerned. Even when they're feuding.

"I, uh, think it'd be best to wait until we all have some food in us," Cash cryptically answers.

Weird. It's weird he won't just tell us. This whole car ride is really strange.

Cash parks in front of the diner, and I breathe a sigh of relief at the same time Wilder does. I whip my head around to look at him, narrowing my eyes as he unbuckles his seatbelt. He gives me a challenging wink before I scoff and open the car door. I try to get out, but I forget to undo the seatbelt, so I let out an awkward, "Argh!" as my upper body is slingshot back into the seat.

Wilder's voice carries through the cab as I struggle to get out of the seatbelt. "You're such a loser."

"Takes one to know one," I grumble as Cash reaches over the middle seat to release the clip. I lick my lips and smooth my hair down before stepping out of the car and onto the solid ground below.

Cash holds my hand as we wait in line to order. I'm hyperaware of how close Wilder's front is to my back. I keep shifting forward, trying to put an inch of space between us, but he just follows to annoy me. He's relentless.

"Two cheeseburgers, two orders of fries, two sides of ranch, two Cherry Cokes, a grilled chicken salad for me, and a cup of water," Cash orders as he pulls out his dad's credit card to pay.

But Wilder reaches over me and hands the cashier his debit card. "On me today."

I roll my eyes. The last time Wilder paid for my dinner, I had to listen to him bitch about it for months. Eventually, Cash paid him ten dollars so he'd shut up about paying for a meal I didn't ask him to. We will not be repeating that grueling incident today.

"Actually," I clear my throat as I reach inside my purse. "I'll pay for mine."

I shoot Wilder a fuck you grin as I hand over the cash.

"Don't say I never do anything nice for you, Blondie," Wilder holds his hands up in defense. "I tried."

"What is with you two today?" Cash furrows his brow, his dreamy blue eyes perplexed.

"Nothing," Wilder and I both say at the same time.

After we pay, we grab a booth in the back, and Cash tells Wilder to sit next to me.

"Uh," Wilder's mouth drops open. "I'm not sitting by Blondie."

"I'm not sitting by you," I snap back at him.

"Come on, you guys," Cash groans. "I have something really important to tell you. Can you get along for five minutes? Please."

"Fine," I grumble as I slide into the booth first. Wilder follows behind, making sure to rub his black jean-clad thigh against my bare one. My skin crawls with revulsion.

"I'm going to grab napkins," Cash informs us. "Try not to kill each other while I'm gone."

I watch Cash go as Wilder twists to face me. He slides his greasy arm behind my head and gives me a sinister smile. "You were checking me out in the truck."

"Was not," I deny. Deny, deny, deny.

"While I'm flattered your sexually deprived mind would even consider me, I don't fuck my best friend's girlfriend. Or exes, for that matter," Wilder taunts me. "But if you'd like to request nudes, I'd be more than happy to send you dick pics to help," his face moves closer as his lips barely graze my ear, "get you off."

I take a deep breath as I squeeze my purse strap, picturing Wilder's neck in my hands as I cut off all the circulation to his tiny brain. "Fuck off, Wilder."

"You've turned into such a potty mouth lately," he sits up straighter. "I hope that's my influence rubbing off on you. Ha! Rubbing off. Are you going to be thinking of me later while you rub one off?"