Page 63 of Groupthink

I sighed as I climbed the last flight of stairs to the third floor.

My feet ached from these heels. My hair was a tangled mess, and my skin felt grimy from the night with Sam.

Last night.

My memory was a blur of silvery moonlight and pale flesh, sensation and sounds.

I opened the door and walked in.

“She returns!” Effie proclaimed from the kitchen.

I let out a sigh. I’d been hoping to sneak into the apartment in private; maybe hide in the bathroom and take the longest shower ever.

But no, Effie was here to throw a wrench in my plans and pry my secrets out of me.

She appeared in the entryway to the kitchen and leaned against the wall wearing her oversized nightshirt that had Zelda’s Lullaby from Ocarina of Time printed across the front.

“You look likeyouhad a good time,” she said with a knowing smile and a twinkle in her eye.

“I did,” I admitted. “And that’s all you’re gonna get.”

I made a beeline to the bathroom, but she blocked me. “How are you feeling? Did you have another—”

“No, I didn’t have an attack,” I snapped.

She raised an eyebrow.

“Sorry, I know you’re just worried. I didn’t get a lot of sleep…”

“I bet you didn’t,” she said with a devious grin.

“I’m not in the mood.”

“Well, then,” she tossed her golden hair. “I know what youarein the mood for.”

“What?” I asked, trying to sneak by her to get to the shower.

The holy, sacred shower.

“Those trashy-ass burritos from that food truck down the road. The kind with the french fries in the middle.”

My mouth began to water. “You wouldn’t tempt me—”

“I want to get you something to say congratulations,” she explained. “An indulgence to celebrate your indulgence.”

“Cut it out,” I said sternly. But then my resolve weakened like it always did with my baby sister. “Thank you. I would very much appreciate a California-style burrito.”

She brightened. “You got it! Just know that once you’re out of the shower, you only get a limited amount of time to sulk in private. It’s Sunday. Once I get back, we’re eatingallthe things and watchingallthe Disney movies.”

A smile stretched over my lips. “Are you going to pause them every few minutes to give me a sass-fest about the relationship issues and the deeper meaning behind everything?”

“Of fucking course!”

“…that sounds nice,” I said.

“Nice?! I don’t do nice. I do shiny. I do sparkles. I do L-E-D—”

“—meaning Light Emitting Diode?”