Page 181 of Groupthink

Maybe I didn’t have to face my inner demons alone.

The hope quivered like a candle flame as I let Sam hold me. I tried to let his warmth seep into me, but it felt like I couldn’t let him in all the way.

He pulled out of the hug, then looked up at me. “You must be starving.”

“I don’t feel hungry.”

Sam’s eyes filled with concern. “Grace, you almost fainted.”

“Yeah, but…”

Noah cocked his head. “If there’s any food in the world you could have right now, what would it be?”

“I don’t know…”

Sam and Noah shared a look and smirked.

I furrowed my brow. “What?”

Sam smiled and slowly shook his head. “It’s just part of having a girlfr—I mean, a girl around.”

Noah cleared his throat. “What was your comfort food when you were a kid?”

My insides froze. “I don’t remember.”

“How about as a teen?” Sam suggested. “Everyone has a trash comfort food they can’t forget—”

“Pizza Love.”

Noah laughed. “Really?! Pizza Love?”

I smiled sheepishly. “You said trash comfort food. For me, that’s it.”

Sam sat on the bed next to me, then draped his arm over my shoulders. “You went there as a teen a lot?”

I nodded and fiddled with a lock of my hair. I didn’t want to explain that I went to Pizza Love all the time because it was within walking distance of my dad’s house and it was open 24/7. I didn’t want to tell them that I’d walk there in the middle of the night to escape the yelling.

Noah clapped his hands. “Okay. Let’s go.”

Sam chuckled and stood up. “You’re not gonna complain about calories?”

“I can have a cheat meal today.”

Sam scoffed.

Noah turned and walked into the kitchen. “I’m ready when you guys are.”

Sam turned to me and whispered, “He’ll ruin his diet just to hang out with you. That’sbigfor him.”

I giggled, and everything felt a little lighter. Then, my gaze drifted to the closet.

Sam saw. “You wanted my Pink Floyd tee, didn’t you?”

My jaw dropped. “How did you know?”

Sam shrugged. “I just knew. I’ll get it for you.”

He disappeared into the closet.