I brushed a lock of soft, dark hair off her shoulder, then kissed it. “I don’t see why not.”
She turned to me. “If the mood ever strikes… is it okay if I hook up with Noah one-on-one?”
“That’s not going to work for me,” Noah said quickly. “Sorry, but… like I said earlier, that won’t fulfill my needs.”
“What? But—”
“I amnotsaying you’re not good enough,” Noah said. “So if that’s what you’re hearing, I want to clear the air. You aredefinitelygood enough. I just…” he swept his hand over his face. “God, Sam, you’re such a fucking asshole for setting me up to say this…”
“I didn’t do anything,” I said, genuinely confused.
Noah waved dismissively. “Whatever. You told Grace about my perfectionism shit with women and now, so she doesn’t feel bad, I have to tell both of you the truth—”
I shared a look with Grace, confused. “I didn’t set this up, I swear.”
“—I have trouble finishing. When it’s one-on-one,” Noah said. “There, I said it.”
“Wait, really?”
“It’s embarrassing,” he said. “I’ve never been able to do it.”
“But… but why?”
“I don’t fucking know, dude!”
Grace shifted. “Is it a control thing?”
“Maybe,” he said. “I clearly don’t have a fucking problem finishing when I’m watching you two, though. Or when I’m watching porn.” He cleared his throat and closed his eyes. When he opened them, he said, “What we did today… that was the most satisfying sexual experience of my life. Ineedit to happen again.”
“Do you…” Grace said. “Do you even want to have sex with me, or do you just want to watch?”
“Oh, I like participating,” Noah said. “That’s part of it. But… the emotional stuff? The dates? The flowers and chocolates? That isn’t for me.”
I scowled. “So you just want to show up every once in a while and fuck?”
“Yes. That’s exactly what I want,” Noah said. “I want a friends-with-benefits type of situation… but with threesomes.”
I blinked.
Grace shifted. “So… you won’t sleep with anyone else?”
“No. Not even interested,” Noah said. “Like I said… it wouldn’t work for me.”
Grace frowned. “But what if someone comes along that catches your eye, and you start to develop feelings for her?”
Noah smirked. “I highly doubt that would happen.”
He frowned. “Because it’sneverhappened. But I guess to assure you, if something like thatdidhappen and Ididstart to catch feelings for someone, I would end this arrangement with you two.”
A grin slid across my face. “Ah. Thearrangement.I like that. How about you, Grace?”
“Yeah, I could get on board with that,” she said. “Just… let me know if you want to sleep with anyone else. Both of you.”
“Ooh, is our Gracelet the jealous type?” I taunted.