Page 170 of Groupthink

A heaviness settled in the space. I looked from Noah to Sam. “What?”

Sam sighed. “See, Itoldyou he would do this.” He glared at Noah. “You were real sneaky about that.”

Noah’s gaze hardened. “Sneaky about what?”

“Ugh! Don’t try to pull that gaslight-y shit when I’m here, dude. I know how you work.”

“I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about—”

Sam flopped back over to face me, then ran his fingers down my arm while looking directly at Noah. “Heknewif he threw the word‘girlfriend’out there, all casual-like, we’d have to discuss what this is.”

My heart sank. “Oh.”

Noah threw his hands up. “Dude, you’re making it weird.”

“Uh, sorry, I’m not the one who marched in here, sat my ass down on my little king-of-the-castle throne and literally said, ‘That was weird.’”

Noah crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. “Well, it was.”

“The only thing weird about it was how not-weird it was. For me, at least. I can’t speak for Grace.”

The tightness in my chest eased. “Good. I’m glad you felt the same way.”

Sam’s eyes glittered. He turned to Noah. “See? That’s two votes for ‘not weird’ and one vote for ‘weird.’ If you didn’t like it, you don’t have to participate.”

Noah tensed.

Delight pulsed through me.

Sam smirked. “See, Gracelet? He had a little taste of you and now he’s addicted. Evenifthe experience has to come withmeincluded…”

Noah glared at him. “Fuck you, dude.”

Sam chuckled. “Is that what this is about? You wanna fuck me?”

“You wish.” The muscles in Noah's jaw tightened, then his eyes darted to mine. “He’s trying to distract and keep this whole thing casual so he doesn’t have to commit.”

Sam groaned. “Oh my God, you’re such a fucking buzzkill…”

“It’s not all about you, asshole,” Noah said. His eyes returned to mine. “Grace, what doyouwant this to be?”



Grace shifted in the bed next to me. “Um… I… don’t really know.”

I glared at Noah. “Don’t pressure her, dude. Leave it up to you to take something fun and then ruin everything with a super serious commitment talk.”

Noah’s tawny eyes glimmered. “Boundaries are not the same as commitment.”

“Defining what this is, iscommitment,” I pointed out.

“Alright, then how would you have it?” Noah said with a scowl. “No one talks about anything and we all pretend it didn’t happen? Sure, that might work out foryou,because then you can keep fucking around with other girls and it technically won’t count as cheating.”

“Fuck you, man!”

“No, fuck you,” Noah said coolly. “Isn’t that why you’re trying so hard to wiggle out of this?”