Page 149 of Groupthink

Grace glanced at me afterward, then I watched her shoulders sink.

My gut sank, too.

“Can we… can we talk about the elephant in the room?” she asked.

I stiffened. The last thing I wanted to do was to dive deep, and fill up this date with a bunch of problems.

However, I was curious…

And I knew that if we didn’t talk about it, the undercurrent of everything going on between her, me and Sam would tear this apart.

We couldn’t build anything new unless we did some demolition work first. That made sense to me; that was logical.

It didn’t mean I liked it, though.

“…sure.” I said reluctantly.

She sighed. “I like you.”

“I like you too.”

“And… I want to date and everything,” she said. “Does it bother you that me and Sam have—”

“Nope!” I said a little too brightly.

“…it really doesn’t?” she asked.

It will if you keep talking about it. “It’s really none of my business.”

She looked straight ahead and said, “But… if this is going to go anywhere meaningful, it reallyisyour business. I’d like to know if everything’s… I dunno,okaybetween you guys.”

I shifted in the driver’s seat. “Isn’t this more like a second to third date conversation?”

“I want to know now,” she said. “Like, I’m a little surprised that you’re even interested in me after…”

I remembered last weekend. The show. Her ex saying that…

That thing about her.

She looked over and seemed to read my mind. “I didn’t kill anyone, by the way.”

I relaxed. “I didn’t think you did. You don’t seem like the type.”

“You might be surprised,” she said.

I frowned.

“…I’mkidding,” she said. “That was just… he was just…”

“He was trying to hurt you,” I said.

I could relate to that. Wasn’t I doing the same thing now, taking Grace on this date, in order to hurt Sam?

Grace nodded. “I think so. He’s… ugh, I don’t want to talk about him right now.”

“We don’t have to talk about him,” I said, trying to sound nonchalant about it.

But I really,reallydidn’t want to talk about any of her exes.