Page 119 of Groupthink

He turned his dark eyes to me. They flicked up and down my body. Then he reached out and offered me the joint.

If Disgrace was in my head, she’d be screaming at me not to take it. She’d be worrying about drug tests at the school, about ruining my career again, and about telling me that only bad people and degenerates do drugs.

But, she wasn’t there. And I was here, in this dark alleyway with my ex, who was acting surprisingly benign.

I could face him like this.

I had to face him, eventually.

Time didn’t matter here. And I’d come to the understanding that somehow, the rules didn’t apply. There were new rules in this dark place, under the silvery moonlight. And I wanted to learn them, but at a relaxed pace.

Mostly, I just wanted to chill the fuck out.

For once.

So, I reached out, brought the joint to my lips, and took a hit.



Grace coughed, and the smoke puffed out of her prissy little mouth and floated into the air like a ghostly jellyfish.

I scowled. “You take it like a little bitch.”

She kept coughing like a wilting violet or something. Needing attention. Even her delicate little hand was going up to her chest.

I rolled my eyes, but I couldn’t bring myself to say anything. The smoke was already slowing down everything in my mind, making it easier not to care.

The tingling on the outsides of my arms was finally ebbing away.

Grace got a handle on herself, then handed the joint back.

I took another hit, feeling the searing smoke bloom in my lungs.

Sweet relief.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, her voice all crackly.

I shrugged. “Sounded fun.”

“Did you know I was going to be here?”

“‘Course,” I said, handing her the joint again.

She looked at it in my hand as if it was a weapon, then gingerly took it. I watched her take a puff from the corner of my eye.

“You’ve never smoked before,” I said. “Is your new boyfriend corrupting you?”

I had to admit, it was…kinda hotto see her corrupted. I couldn’t help but scan her in that sparkling blue dress, with her hair down and sort of tangled for once. The way she was leaning against the wall—eventhough she had another dude’s jacket on—was like she didn’t care about anything at all.

This was… this was a different Grace. One that I didn’t know.

It was… interesting.

“Maybe he is corrupting me…” she said cautiously, thoughtfully.

I could tell she was still wary of me after what happened yesterday at the school. In hindsight, I guess yeah, that may have been a little extreme to lurk outside her classroom like that. But what was I supposed to do when she wasn’t taking my calls, and the only way to fix things was to get her to talk to me?