Page 117 of Groupthink

“Used to,” he answered, crossing his arms over his chest.

I could see his bulging forearms in the half-light, but I quickly lifted my gaze to his shimmering glasses.

He’s just a person,I reassured myself.Just talk to him like a normal person, it isn’t that hard!

“Why don’t you bake anymore?” I asked, trying to keep this conversation boring.

Boring was where I wanted it.

Boring was safe.

“Work,” he said.

It looked like I wasn’t the only one treading water here.

“Glass Candy,” I remembered. “Architect. Greenhouse.”

“Yep,” he said with a nod.

I knew somehow, I’d made him uncomfortable. A line in the sand had been crossed, and he was trying to keep me on the other side of it.

But I could see how green the grass was over there…

“Show’s starting,” Noah said, gesturing to the stage.

I turned as the lights went down, and a single spotlight shone in the middle of the stage.

Sam stood in the center, holding a microphone.

Pride pulsed through me.

That was my man, commanding the crowd’s attention.

…wasn’t he?

Technically he wasn’t my man, and I wasn’t his girl. We were just… each other’s dates. He was taking me out on a date. No need to overthink it.

Yet here I was in a booth, wearing his roommate’s jacket.

Guilt tainted my enjoyment, but I still couldn’t bear to take it off.

Sam looked so… soin controlon the stage. In his element, for sure. Like he’d been born for the spotlight. He was all looks and charm as the hot light beat down on him, showing off the sculpted contours of his face and his bulging arms.

And I was here. His date.

Not his girlfriend, but his date.

And it was okay to sit here, enjoy the show, and have a fun time. Even though it was just me and Noah in the booth. Even though I could feel my chronic nervousness not very far away…

Wait, did that mean Grayson was somewhere nearby?

Sam told a joke and laughter rippled through the crowd.

I scanned it for Grayson.

He’d just… disappeared when that lady came into the bathroom. Did that mean he was like a ghost or something? Bo said whenever I felt anxious, that’s when he would show up—

Could he show up at any time, like Disgrace did?