Page 107 of Groupthink

“Great. Thought I remembered right.”

Gloating. This was Sam’s way of gloating.

I took a sip of the perfect coffee, trying to get rid of this unwelcome annoyance toward my friend. It felt like somehow, he was trying to pick a fight.

By being nice.


God, I needed this caffeine…

“Oh, before you go,” he added, as if he wasn’t waiting for an opportunity to say this all along, “There’s a thing tonight—”

“The show.”

“Yeah, dude, how’d you remember that? I mentioned it like, once a few weeks ago.”

I tapped my temple proudly. “Steel trap.”

“Sounds horrible.”

“It’s better than forgetting everything,” I snapped.

“I remember the important things,” Sam said, completely unaffected.

That made me even more annoyed.

“Anyway. You should come out.”

“I’ve got to work—”

Sam waved his hand dismissively as if swatting away a gnat. “Do something besides work for a change. It’s Friday for fuck’s sake.”

“Are you bringing Grace?” I asked before I could stop myself.

“Probably. Still gotta ask her, though. Why?”

“Don’t want to be the third wheel is all.”

“Tricycles are more stable than bicycles.”

“I don’t have time for your Riddler crap.”

“Yet you keep asking all these questions.”

“Whatever. Should I bring someone or not?”

“That’s up to you. Spoken and Mea are gonna be there, and some other people—”

My phone buzzed. I looked down to see the first work-related message of the day. “I gotta go.”

“I’ll see you tonight.”

“Yeah, yeah…” I grumbled as I shut the door.

Whenever I had a moment alone during the day, my mind drifted to how smug Sam looked. How he had thatI-just-got-laidglow to him.

How he’d somehow managed to get someone—a hot brunette for that matter—to keep coming back. Usually, he just had one-night things, and then never saw them again.