Page 104 of Groupthink

I could go right back out to my car and drive around, try again later.

But no, I wouldn’t do that. I told them I’d be back at nine, and goddammit, it was nine.

So, I bit my lip and dashed through the dark living room.

A gentle suckling sound snickered somewhere in the darkness.

“What the fuck, dude?!” Sam bellowed.

I dashed by them too quickly to respond, longing for the safety of my bedroom.

My oasis.

I slammed the door behind me.

Finally, I was alone.

But then again, I was always alone.

That’s how I preferred things, anyway; alone in my terrarium here, where everything was monitored, controlled, predictable.

I set my backpack down in its spot near the door, pulled the computer out, and sat at my desk to get more work done. When I was with Lydia, I’d thought of a design solution to a minor structural integrity problem with that greenhouse. Needed to write it down before I forgot…

Grace’s lips around Sam’s cock.

No. I was working.

Blowjobs. A tight, wet mouth.

My jaw ticked as I made notes in the architecture software, but they weren’t making any sense…

Girls. Jiggling tits and soft skin and round, supple asses. Girls, girls, girls…

Ugh! Fine!

Within a few seconds, I had my headphones in and my personal laptop open to Pornhub.

I scrolled through the flesh-colored grid until I found a group sex video—a bunch of dudes and one small brunette.

I didn’t know what it was about group sex that turned me on so much. Part of me was disgusted by it, but I reveled in that disgust. It was my way of being a deviant, if only in this one area of my life, for this brief moment in time.

Okay, every day.

Multiple times per day.

I watched the brunette on the screen writhe and moan on the mattress as a fat, shiny cock slid into her. Arms stretched from off-screen to pinch her nipples. Some bald dude licked her neck as another bald guy with tattoos tapped her face with the wettap-tap-tap-ingof the swollen purple head of his cock.

I slipped my hand into my pants and wrapped my fingers around my hard, throbbing length.

My eyes were on the video, but my mind was on the scene I’d walked in on.


Grace’s lips around Sam’s cock….


Grace’s lips around my cock.