Page 101 of Groupthink

Maybe Grace wasn’t as stuck up and annoying as I’d initially thought.

Regardless, I needed to keep telling her what I knew. It was my fault that the pen fell into her hands, and I needed to take responsibility.

I needed to make sure she stayed safe.

So I kept talking. “As far as them being able to physically hurt you? I dunno. Mine have threatened me, raised their tiny little fists at me, but they’ve never actually harmed me in that way. In my experience, the worst they’ve been able to do is hang around you all the time, which pulls you into… I dunno, this brain fog?”

“I know what you’re talking about,” she said quickly. “It happened to me this past week. Spending time with Ink-Grayson.”

I felt relieved. I felt understood, for once. “So you know, then. They make you feel shitty, so try to stay as far away from them as possible.”

“Has that worked for you?”

I glanced outside again. “It’s complicated.”

“What’s yours like? You mentioned you have one more… what’s at the core of her?”

“Shit if I know,” I said with a shrug. “I’ve been trying to figure that out. But I get a fun little twist, you see, because my ex-girlfriend had bipolar disorder. So now the ink-thing does too, and it enhances that…”

“Do you have bipolar disorder?”

“No, that part of the ink-thing completely comes from Summer,” I said. “But I used to have pretty bad depression.”

“Did that turn into a… one of these things too?”

“You betcha. It was a huge pain in the ass getting rid of that one.”

“So that’s why you see Dr. Silk…”

“Yeah, that’s why I started seeing Dr. Silk,” I revealed. “Got some nice little scripts for antidepressants and lithium, but I didn’t have to take ’em anymore once I wrote the depression into someone—somethingelse.”

She was quiet.

“I know it sounds crazy. But I’m a crazy motherfucker, so you shouldn’t be surprised.”

I was biting my tongue. Why was I biting my tongue?

“No… I get it. The thing is, I don’twantto get it.”

A satisfied smirk spread across my face. “Welcome to hell, baby.”

“What a warm welcome.”

“What did you expect? A cold welcome? This is hell, Grace. Get with the program.”

I could hear her smiling.

I smiled too. My life had been a living hell for the past few months, but at least now there was someone else here.

I didn’t realize how much I’d craved some company.

“So you’re telling me that I should somehow—somehow,try not to feel anxious, and then Ink-Grayson won’t be able to find me.”

I ran my hand through my hair again. “I don’t know, honestly. I’m not an expert with this thing—I only know how it worked for me. And for me, they left me alone when I wasn’t feeling the things at their core.”

“What about the good ones?” She asked quickly.

“Oh, so youdidmanifest your dream guy. Or guys. Did you meet them yet?”