But I had Grace with me, so there was no time for pranks like that.
As soon as I stepped through the door, I saw Noah sitting there at the kitchen table at his computer, his white orchid centerpiece curling in a gentle arc like a question mark. The afternoon sun filtered in through the window, illuminating him like a fucking angel or something.
He looked up and smiled. “Hey dude.”
“You’re home early,” I said, trying to hide my resentment. I’d been hoping for some private time with Grace so I could repair the damage I’d done without having to worry about other variables.
Especially attractive ones.
“Yeah, finally finished up that design for the greenhouse. All the i’s are dotted and the t’s crossed.”
“How satisfying.”
Noah’s eyebrow twitched, but he let it pass.
“Greenhouse?” Grace asked, stepping into the kitchen behind me.
Noah’s expression softened when he laid his eyes on her. “Yeah—the government contracted us to build this big ‘ol plant palace over by the university. It’s gonna be lit.”
Grace’s eyes lit up.
Seriously? She thought that was interesting and not the poetry in song lyrics?
I felt like dying inside.
Maybe she did belong with a guy more like Noah…
I had to get a handle on myself. This didn’t mean anything—Grace wasn’t mine. And Noah was my bro—he would never swoop in and hit on someone I was so obviously interested in.
…would he? Because from the way he was looking at her, it was like he’d picked up a rock and turned it over to discover it was a sparkling geode.
Fuck fuck fuck!
“I’m making Miss Grace dinner,” I said, staring Noah in the eye, clearly communicatingthis is a date. She is mine. Back off.
I knew I was being crazy, but I couldn’t stop.
“Cool,” Noah said casually, leaning back in the kitchen chair. “I went grocery shopping earlier—got everything on the list.”
“There’s a list?”
“Dude, I told you this like four times,” he said. “I shared our grocery list with you on the Google Drive so we can add stuff to it, remember?”
Oh, right. Noah and his endless lists.“Oh yeah. Thanks, but I was gonna use my own stuff—”
“Alright. But feel free to use mine, too,” Noah said kindly as he returned his gaze to his glowing computer screen.
There wasn’t an ounce of resentment or challenge in the guy. It made my irritation flare even more. I knew there wasn’t a reason for it. I knew it was all in my head, so I had to fight it. The only way to remedy this was to be polite.
“Have you eaten yet?” The words flew out of my mouth before I could stop them.
“Nah, I was gonna pick up some Pad Thai, though.”
Ugh. He wastoogood. The dude just went grocery shopping. There was no doubt in my mind that he’d planned to make himself some food at home, but he just changed his plans to give us some privacy.
The bastard.