Page 88 of Groupthink


“Yeah, have you listened to her lyrics closely?”

“Um… not closely, no.”

Sam chuckled as he turned the wheel. “You’re the only swift fan I’ve met that doesn’t know the lyrics to every one of her songs.”

Shame pulsed through me. “Well, I’m more of a casual fan—”

“Here, let me show you something,” he said.

Annoyance trembled through me and I crossed my arms, but I didn’t say anything.

“You had a breakup with some loser, right?”

“He’s not a loser—”

“He fumbled you, so he’s a loser.”

My irritation flared again as my atrophied loyalty to Grayson swarmed through my body.

Sam smirked. “So you listened to Taylor Swift when that went down, right?”

“Well, yeah—“

“Which song in particular stood out to you? That you played over and over again?”

Finally, a question I knew the answer to. “Lavender Haze.”

He let out a short bark of laughter. “Of course.”

I glared at him. “What’s your problem?”

Sam stole a quick glance at me, then returned his gaze to the road. “I don’t mean to insult. I’m trying to demonstrate something.”

“You’re being kind of an ass.”

“I am?”

I crossed my arms and looked out the window. “Never mind.”

A slow smile spread across his face. “Being an ass is how I show affection.”

I sighed.

I didn’t know Sam was one of these type of guys…

Bo must’ve been a crazy, lying jerk. Though Sam had seemed perfect at first, and the sex we had was too good to be true, it was clear that he was the same as all other men:

Annoying and childish, with a superior-than-thou attitude for no reason.

The fact that he matched what I wrote in my journal must’ve been a coincidence. I couldn’t believe I was naive enough to believe Bo’s crazy story—

“Play it,” Sam said.


“Lavender Haze. Play it, and listen to the lyrics.”