I heated further. “Can I take your hair down?” It was up in a bun, and I’d never seen it loose.

“Don’t ask, Si. Tell.”

I bit my lip, insanely wet between my thighs. “Take your hair down.”

He tugged it free, and the strands fell around his face. He was stunning. Absolutely stunning.

“It looks silky. Come here so I can touch it.” I stumbled over the command a little, but he didn’t mention it.

Instead, Bauther closed the small distance between us.

His erection pressed against my abdomen, and his hands landed on my hips again.

I slipped my hands into his hair, not surprised at all to find it just as soft as it looked. “How do you have better hair than me? This really isn’t fair.”

His eyes narrowed. “Your hair is perfect.”

I tugged lightly on his hair. “Okay.”

“Don’t say things just to placate me, Sienna. That’s not how this works.”

“Why not?”

“We’re equals. If you don’t know that I find you beautiful, we don’t take this any further until you do.”


As much fun as I’d been having while I was in charge, I liked it when he was dominant, too.

But ultimately, after the way things had happened the night before, I really didn’t doubt his attraction to me. The man had spent hours touching me and tasting me.

So, if he said my hair was perfect, he honestly meant that he found it perfect.

“I believe you. You’ve made it way too clear that you’re attracted to me for me not to.”

There was satisfaction in his gaze. “Good.”

I bit my lip. It was hot and swollen… like other parts of me.

I wanted more.

“Am I still in charge?” I asked, my hands still tangled in his hair.

“You’re always in charge, Si.”

I rolled my eyes.

His lips curved wickedly. “What do you want me to do to you?”

“What do you want to do to me?”

“Everything, and then some.”

I rolled my eyes again, but couldn’t hold back my small smile. He really wanted me to make the calls.

Though I was worried I’d say something wrong, or he’d wish I made a different choice, I forced my nerves down. “Take my clothes off, Beck.”

His chest rumbled in satisfaction.