“I did,” he says, stepping closer to me as he clutches onto the straps of his backpack.
It’s so crazy seeing Wyatt’s son. They’re so similar. Like a miniaturized copy without the beard and muscles. He has his father’s eyes though, and they’re sizing me up more than I’d like.
It’s fine. He’s just a kid. I’m a grown adult. I can think up a story that he will buy and make this less awkward. I can handle myself.
“Are you my new nanny?” he asks, a slight frown on his face.
“Yes,” I say without thinking. “I’m your new nanny, Mia.”
I can’t handle myself, and Reid walks in as soon as the fateful words leave my lips.
“Mia,” he says, hugging me. “Damon told me he was going to suggest you to Wyatt. I’m so glad that you two hit it off.”
Wyatt comes barreling into the kitchen. He’s shirtless, sockless, but at least he’s wearing pants.
“Mia Nash?” he rasps, the revelation hitting him like a ton of bricks.
“Really hit it off,” Reid adds as I attempt to curl into myself.
Rock… meet bottom.
Chapter 5
This can’t be happening. This shouldn’t be happening. But no matter how many times I’ve gone back and forth, I want it to happen. From the moment my lips touched Mia's, my fate was sealed.
“You don’t have to hire me,” Mia says, slumping against the passenger side door, her forehead against the window.
God, she’s beautiful. Red hair that feels like silk between my fingers. Delicate, soft skin that feels even silkier. Lips like velvet.
I should’ve known who she was from the beginning. If I looked at my damn phone earlier than this morning I’d have pieced it together.
Damon: Mia’s back in town.
Damon: Her job at the Inn is only part-time, so she’s looking for something more.
Damon: Willing to give her a try?
And when I didn’t respond, he texted Reid to see if everything was okay. But even if I knew I’m not sure it would have ended up any differently. The connection I felt thrumming between us supersedes any shame I feel for what I’ve done with Damon’s little sister.
“I know,” I say, my grip on the steering wheel tightening. “But I want you to take it.”
We spent an hour or so eating breakfast together and Mia was a natural with Luke. She made him light up as much as she lights me up. They were laughing, joking, and playing around with Oink. He gave her a tour of the fort we built together—a great honor because he wouldn’t let Rosie inside.
I glance sidelong at Mia. She’s toying with the hem of her dress, legs curled up beneath her. I’m trying hard to keep my eyes on the road and off those legs but it’s proving difficult. The urge to touch her rises but I resist.
“Think about it. I don’t need to know right now.” I swallow. “Luke’s really taken to you.”
She lets out a soft sigh and then a few moments later, says, “I’ll think about it.”
I feel a little lighter. A little more hopeful. I thought this car ride back to the Inn would be one of the last times I’d see her. But now there’s a chance I’ll see her every day. I want to see her more than at handoff with Luke. Maybe I can offer her something more.
A spare room? Fresh ingredients and a full kitchen for her to bake her heart out? I’ll give her anything she wants to keep her close.
“Did you know it was me?”
She glances at me for a brief moment and it feels like I’m in heaven having those eyes trained on me again.