I can’t keep my eyes off her. And it’s been a struggle to keep my hands off her. All I want to do is take her into my arms and taste those perfect fucking lips that have been taunting me all night. Crush them with mine. De-fucking-vour. Everything about Mia drives me wild.
“I want to open up a bakery,” she says, sipping the hot chocolate I’d picked up for her at Windy Brews while Griff checked her out. A clean bill of health, thankfully.
She sets the cup down and sighs. “Great idea with the hot chocolate. It’s delicious, right?”
I wouldn’t know. I haven’t tasted it because my focus has been on the beauty in front of me. But I know one thing for sure, it won’t come close to the taste of Mia’s lips. The feel of her body against mine. Those legs wrapped around—fffuuuuck.
I take a sip because I need to calm down. I’m wired. On edge. Have been from the moment I sensed Mia. I’m drawn to her. There’s no question about that. I know that I shouldn’t have such intense feelings for someone I’ve just met. Someone so young. But I can’t help myself.
I swallow a bigger gulp of the hot chocolate. It’s sweet for sure. But I want something sweeter.
“Delicious,” I rasp, eyes dipping to her lips before meeting her gaze again. “Why Whispering Winds?”
Her finger traces the edge of her cup in one slow mesmerizing circle. Jesus, those fingers. Nails as red as cherries. I had no idea I had a thing for hands, but I’m thinking there’s not a part of Mia that doesn’t turn me on, rile up some primal part of me.
Head. Shoulders. Knees and fucking toes. I want to taste every inch of—whew. I was supposed to be calming myself down. Caging this beast Mia’s luring out of me. But no matter how hard I try, each second I’m near her unravels any forward progress.
“What’s not to love about a small mountain town?”
I make a noncommittal grunt. I love this town, but it wasn’t always that way. Everyone knows each other. They’re in each other’s business, so secrets are hot commodities that are worth more than gold. But that gold gets mined fast and passed around faster.
It’s how I knew my ex was cheating on me a few hours after it happened. Didn’t even skip town to try and hide her infidelity. Although painful, I don’t regret the relationship because my ex gave me my greatest gift. She gave me Luke. And it was clear from the moment he was born that she resented him. And me. Haven’t seen her in years, and I’d like to keep it that way.
“I guess it’s not so bad here. And we could always use another place to eat. The same old haunts can get a little old.”
“But that cobbler won’t,” Mia says, sinking deeper into the sofa. She shakes her head, her gaze drifting from the large stone fireplace back to me. “I’m second-guessing myself now.”
I rest my arm along the back of the sofa, brushing against her shoulders. I swear she lets out a soft moan, but I’m sure I’m imagining it.
“You’ve got nothing to worry about. I have a feeling you’ll fit in perfectly around here.” In my arms. In my bed. Against my lips. “We love it when new people want to settle down here. So long as you’re not a dick.”
She snorts. “I’ll keep that in mind.” Her eyes appraise me for a few moments before she blushes and turns away.
Where’s your mind, sweet girl? And where’s my mind?
I glance around. Time’s flown with Mia. There aren’t many patrons left in the bar. It’s down to us and one other couple huddled together in an oversized chair near the fireplace.
“How are you feeling?” I ask, turning back to her. “Dizzy?”
She shakes her head. “Not dizzy at all. Well, maybe a little. I think it’s all the sugar. It’s great but if I don’t eat some real food I might crash soon.”
“Can’t have that.”
My fingers slide against her silky hair as I pull back, and I can’t help but wonder how it would feel wrapped around my fist. It’s useless fighting the urges. The thoughts. The things I’d like to do with Mia. I’ve tried ignoring them but they keep returning harder, faster, and more intense.
“Why don’t I treat you to dinner at the best place in town?”
“I don’t think anything’s open at this hour.”
“I know the chef.”
She raises a brow. “Good friends?”
“Known him my whole life.”
“Sounds like you’re talking about yourself.”
I nod.