“Mia’s going to be your new nanny.”

He turns back to the TV. “Nothing’s better than cobbler, Dad,” he says as a matter of fact. “But I like Mia too.”

I sink deeper into the couch, slinging my arm across the back as I rest my foot on the edge of the coffee table. I disagree. I can think of a few things better than cobbler—one of them just sent me a new text. I imagine it’s another page or three added to our growing contract, but as soon as I check my phone that smile fades. It’s not Mia.

Damon: You work fast.

I swallow hard, staring at the text.

Damon: When did you two hook up?

My nerves rise as I re-read the text. The town’s small, but how did word travel this fast? Reid? I doubt it.

“Need a drink?” I ask Luke as I push off from the couch and head for the kitchen.

“No thanks.”

I could use one for this text exchange.

Wyatt: What?

Damon: Mia just told me you asked her to be Luke’s nanny. I had no idea you two were in contact.

I sigh, setting my phone down while I grab a glass of water. I down it in one go and then grab my phone again.

Wyatt: Yeah. Chance encounter. I was picking up some cobbler at the Inn and ran into her. Got to talking and offered her the position.

Damon: Even without her seeing Luke? She must’ve made an impression.

You could say that. An impression so deep that it’s imprinted on my soul.

Wyatt: I had her over and she met Luke. They hit it off.

Damon: I owe you one. I can swing by this week to help with that addition to Luke’s fort.

He wouldn’t be offering if he knew what I did with Mia. What I want to do with Mia. What will inevitably happen with Mia…

It’s only a matter of time before Mia’s mine.

Chapter 6


I turn onto the long dirt road to Wyatt’s farmhouse. My heart hammers. My knuckles are white against the steering wheel. I try to blame it on the coffee and Lizzy’s Morning Glory muffins but I know there’s not a secret ingredient that’s making my pulse pound. Nothing in these muffins that could make my skin feel flushed and icy at the same time.

It’s Wyatt.

He has my stomach in knots, my lungs in a vice, and my head floating high above the clouds. I shouldn’t have entertained the possibility of this situation ever working. I’m always going to be the one pining, heading down a one-way street. I shouldn’t have let the glimmer of hope Lizzy gave me worm its way inside my head.

She found love with her brother’s best friend, but she’s the lucky one. Whatever luck I had in life has run its course.

I park next to Wyatt’s truck and turn off my car. My lips flutter as I exhale a long, harsh breath and shake out my hands. I can do this. It’s not like I’ll be seeing Wyatt that often. He’ll be working, and it will only be me and Luke. We’ll only see each other for brief moments at handoffs.

Easy. Simple. I’m so screwed.

Wyatt steps out of the house. The vice around my lungs tightens as I watch him walk to the edge of the porch, thick arms across his wide chest. The top buttons of his shirt are undone, and I can see the thick patch of hair beneath. A patch I’d played with not long ago.

My brain reminds me of what’s beneath that shirt. Hidden under those rugged, dusty blue jeans. How those hands felt. How his lips tasted and felt against mine.