Page 8 of A Ryan Regret

She rolls her eyes and spins on her heel, her fine ass swaying as she struts toward the bedroom. It takes every shred of restraint I possess to stop myself from chasing her down and fucking her where she stands. As soon as she’s out of earshot, I video-call Mikey from my own phone.

“She’s my wife too, asshole,” he says as soon as he picks up.

“Not today.”

He snorts a laugh. “Well, I wouldn’t have to suggest phone sex if you weren’t edging her.”

“I’m not edging her. She can come whenever the fuck she wants to. All she has to do is ask.”

“This bet you have going on is fucking insane. You do know that?”

I sit down and drop my head in my hand. “Yeah, I know. But I’m all in now. Anyway, get Con and Liam for me. I need your help.”

That makes him laugh harder, but he tells me to wait while he rounds up the rest of my brothers. A moment later, I have all three of them on the screen.

“So what are we helping with, bro?” Liam asks.

I wince. “I’m on my fucking knees here. How the fuck do I win this bet?”

Conor laughs. “She’s not gonna let you win.”

“But she’s not usually this stubborn.”

“But this is you two, and you’ve always been…” Liam grimaces.

“Always been what?”

“You know she loves being a brat for you, bro. She pushes your buttons and you react. That’s always been your thing, and now you’ve handed her a giant red button to play with,” Mikey finishes for his twin.

That’s true. “But this is Jessie. She’s gotta give in soon. I’ve tried all my best moves and she refuses to cave.”

“Have you kissed her neck? Because that always works for me,” Liam says.

“Kissed her neck? Do you think I’m a fucking amateur? Of course I’ve kissed her fucking neck.”

Liam folds his arms across his chest. “Well, you’re the one asking us for advice.”

“I’ve tried everything. I need something special. Something she can’t resist.”

Conor leans close to the camera. “There’s no trick, Shane. No special thing you can do that she can’t resist. Screw the bet.”

“Then screw Jessie,” Liam adds.

Mikey rubs a hand over his beard. “Actually, I do have one idea.”

Hope flares in my chest. “What?”

“Pick a fight with her.”

Conor and Liam groan, but Mikey shoots them a glare and continues. “It could also bite you in the ass, but it will definitely get you fucked.”

I lean back in the chair. I haven’t purposely picked a fight with her in months.

Mikey has a wicked grin on his face. “Pick a fight that makes her so pissed you end up having to spank her bratty ass.”

Liam shakes his head at his twin. “Your logic is so fucked up.”

Fucked up but solid. The key is to make Jessie mad enough to say or do something that gives me no choice but to spank her ass, while being careful not to hurt her feelings in the process.