Page 45 of The Anti-Boyfriend

She cooed.

Sunny actually let me put her down on the playmat, which surprised me.

I spent the better part of the next hour sitting on the couch while I watched her play on the floor. “Deacon,” I kept repeating, to see if by some chance she’d try to say my name. I’d pretty much given up when I heard her say what sounded like…dick.

Then she repeated, “Deek.”

I cracked up. “That’s right!”

She’d babbled many different sounds tonight, and it could have been a coincidence, but I had myself convinced she was trying to say Deacon. Or maybe Dick was a more accurate description of me lately. Either way, it worked for me. Deacon or Dick. Tomato, Tomahto. I’d take any D sound she wanted to give me.

A knock at the door interrupted my little celebration. I assumed it might have been Carys returning early, though that didn’t make sense.

After I opened, I regretted not checking the peephole first, because it was a man I didn’t recognize. He wore a black tuxedo and looked to be in his late thirties.

“Who are you?” he asked.

My body went rigid. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that question?”

“I’m Charles, Sunny’s father.”

What the fuck? Gritting my teeth, I clenched my fists. “Does Carys know you’re here?”

When he didn’t immediately respond, I knew the answer was no.

This guy wasn’t exactly what I’d pictured. He was average-looking, with blond hair and shorter than I’d imagined. Basically, Carys could have done a lot better.

“Let me guess… You expected to find some vulnerable, old woman watching the baby so you could weasel your way in here while Carys was out?”

When he took a few steps forward, I held out my hand. “No. Stay back. I’m not letting you in.”

He let out a frustrated breath. “Look, man to man, I just want to see my daughter for a few minutes.”

“Man to man?” I scoffed. “A real man wouldn’t have to sneak over to see his daughter, because he’d be in her life already.”

“Look, I’m going to the same gala Carys is at. My colleague told me she was there, so I wondered if I could just stop by to see Sunny without having to upset her. I don’t mean any harm.”

He tried to look beyond my shoulders, but I adjusted my body so he couldn’t see past me.

I crossed my arms. “Well, it’s not gonna happen—not without Carys’s permission.”

He grimaced. “Who did you say you were?”

“The name’s Dick. And I suggest you leave before I show you exactly why they call me that.”

He let out a frustrated breath, huffed, and made his way back down the hall.

After he was out of sight, I shut the door, locked it, and went over to where Sunny was still playing on the floor.

I lifted her up and held her for a while, feeling protective. It angered me that Carys’s ex tried to pull that shit, and now I’d have to tell her.

Sunny stared up at me, this time not smiling as she normally did. Maybe she sensed I was pissed.

“You deserve better than that dude. I’m sorry you have a crappy dad. But your mom makes up for it.”

I walked over to the window with her, and we looked out at the traffic below. “Can I tell you a secret, Sunny?” After pausing for her response, I said, “Okay. I’m gonna tell you anyway.” I looked at her. “I really screwed up with your mother. You got any tips for how I can make it right?”

A few seconds later, I felt a vibration from her bottom.

Well, I guess that’s my answer.




I ended up leaving the gala early. I couldn’t relax knowing Deacon was stuck taking care of Sunny. Maybe if things had been different between us, I would’ve been more comfortable with the situation.

And when Charles showed up, I knew that was my signal to leave. I wasn’t surprised to see him—it was an industry event—but that didn’t make having to deal with him any easier. I managed to avoid him while doing the remainder of my obligatory schmoozing. Then I told Cynthia I needed to leave. She seemed fine with it, since I had shown my face for a while.

It was eleven when I walked into my apartment. I was surprised to see Sunny not in her crib, but lying on her stomach atop Deacon’s chest. Both of them were asleep on the couch. I stopped for a moment to take in the sight, which tugged at my heart in a bittersweet way.

Why do you have to be so sweet and such an asshole at the same time, Deacon?

I tiptoed over to them and slowly worked to remove her from his grasp.

Deacon’s eyes blinked open. “Hey. Did you just get in?” he whispered groggily.

“Yes. Gonna put her to bed. Be right back.”

I placed Sunny in the crib and waited to make sure she didn’t wake up. After confirming she was asleep, I returned to living room. Deacon was now standing, his thick, copper hair a tousled mess. He slid his hands into his pockets, seeming tense.