Page 24 of Mafia Virgin

All at once, she cried out, her thighs squeezing around my head and then releasing as the orgasm finally hit her. I didn’t move my mouth from her pussy, swirling my tongue softly around her clit, not giving up until she told me she was well and truly done.

Finally, she pushed me away from her pussy and leaned down to kiss me hard. With her tongue in my mouth, I could taste the mixture of her musk and her lips against mine. My cock was already stirred to full hardness, but it was as though I could hardly pay attention to it. I was only focused on her, giving her exactly what she wanted, any way that she wanted it.

She pulled away from me, leaning her head against mine, her eyes shining as she gazed down at me. And, as she stared into my eyes, I could tell that a million more ideas for what she wanted to do with me were already rushing through her head.

And I couldn’t wait to see where they took us next.

Chapter Seventeen – Morgan

"Thank you," I told the delivery driver as I grabbed the bag out of his hand. I could tell from the way he was looking at me that he could tell something was up, but I ignored it. I wasn’t going to let anyone catch on to what was happening here, not a chance in hell. No, I had to play this cool, or someone was going to figure out what was going on …

And I would be well and truly screwed. Well, more than I already was, at least.

I closed the door behind him and leaned up against it, catching my breath. I had ordered a bunch of stuff from a local drugstore, under the premise that I was just getting what I needed to live in this penthouse for a while, but the truth was, it was more than that.

I had a specific plan in mind, something I needed to know. And, as I rooted through the bag and pulled out the pregnancy test, I felt a twist in my stomach.

Fuck. I didn’t know what I was going to do if I was actually … if I was actually pregnant. It had been nearly six weeks since Alex had brought me to his place, since we’d first been together, and everything had been so crazy, I had hardly noticed when my period had been late. And then, later, later, and later—until it finally clicked what the real reason might be behind it.

I should have thought of it sooner. I wasn’t stupid. I knew that having unprotected sex could cause something like this to happen, and Alex and I had been having a lot of it—a lot of it—since we’d come to this penthouse after the fire at his mansion. We’d been doing our best to keep our heads down and not attracting too much attention from Gregor, and, hiding out in here, there hadn’t been much else to do but … well, enjoy each other.

And spending every moment with him, it had only further secured the certainty inside of me that this was what I wanted—he was what I wanted. The connection I felt with him burned bright in my chest, my mind flooding with endorphins every time he kissed me. It wasn’t just about desire; no, it was more than that—it was having a man by my side who didn’t want to control me, who was willing to let me call the shots. In the bedroom, I was the one in charge, and it was downright intoxicating knowing how much he got off on it. He wasn’t just playing at this; I could see from the look in his eyes that he loved it as much as I did, and it had only deepened our bond with every passing day.

But this … This would change everything. Because if I was pregnant, there would be no way I could hide the fact that Alex and I had been together from Gregor. There was a part of me still trying to handle the thought of what might happen if he got his hands on me again, as scary as it was, as hard as it was for me to even think about. There was a lot I could deny, without any solid evidence, but this? Yeah, this would change everything.

And it would give me even more reason to fight for the future I wanted instead of the one Gregor seemed to have decided on for me.

He had been searching for us in every corner of this city, according to Paulo, Alex’s advisor, and I had been trying not to think about what that meant for us. How long did we have before he finally tracked us down? And what would happen to us when he did? I could only imagine how brutal he would be after I had defied him. It seemed a miracle that my family and I had managed to keep out of his grasp for as long as we had, but I knew our time was starting to tick away, and I didn’t want to find out what would happen when it finally ran out.

Leo and my mom were still hidden out in the safehouse, but my brother was starting to get restless. I had warned him about keeping his head down and not attracting any attention, but he had his own life to get back to, his master’s degree to study for, and we were slowing down all of his plans for the time being. I just hoped he could hold out a little longer, see how serious it was that he kept himself out of trouble. I would never be able to forgive myself if something happened to my family, especially not after everything we had already been through with my dad.

I slipped into the bathroom, glad that Alex was down in the gym right now, blowing off some steam. I just needed a little time to myself to figure out what was going on here, and then, I would be fine, I was sure of it. Just clear my head, get to the bottom of this, find some way to make sense of the sheer panic that was clutching at my mind every time I closed my eyes.

I tore open the test, hands shaking, and locked the bathroom door to make sure I wasn’t going to be disturbed. Until I knew one way or another what was going on, I wasn’t going to share it with Alex. I didn’t want him worrying for no reason. Because he would see, as clearly as I did, that if this was really happening, then we had finally crossed that line we could never go back from.

I took the test and walked around the penthouse, counting out each step as another second that passed, a second closer to finally getting the results I needed right now. I hadn’t even thought about having kids in any serious way—not beyond being forced to carry a child for Gregor, at least, but that had never felt like my child. No, that had felt like something I was forcing myself to go through for the sake of protecting my family. I didn’t know how I would feel about that kid, but it hadn’t mattered, because I was just so focused on making sure I did what needed to be done to protect the people closest to me.

But this? This was different. This was a child with a man I actually … liked. Cared for. Felt a real connection with. A man I’d had feelings for over the course of practically my whole life, and a man who had proved himself to me time and time again in these last few months, when he had done everything he could to keep me safe. A man who was willing to put himself in the line of fire if it meant doing the right thing; a man who didn’t think twice about getting involved with someone else’s nightmare if it meant keeping them safe. If it hadn’t been for him, I would still be trapped with Gregor right now, doing God knows what just to sate him. I shuddered at the thought.

Soon, the time had ticked down on the pregnancy test. I hesitated outside the bathroom door, trying to come up with a million reasons why I shouldn’t go in there, shouldn’t see what was waiting for me—reasons why I should wait just a little longer. I could have just hidden out from it, pretended like I had never taken it, left it a little longer to find out if my period might come on its own ...

But I knew that wasn’t going to do me any good. No, I needed to find out, one way or another. I had spent too much of my life not knowing, not being sure of what was going on around me, and I was well and truly done with that. I pushed open the door, narrowing my eyes, trying to muster up all the certainty I could even as my knees trembled dangerously below me.

I picked up the test, took a deep breath, and looked down at the result. And when I saw those two little lines staring back at me, I slumped forward against the bathtub, stomach twisting into knots.


I was pregnant.

Chapter Eighteen – Alex

I had noticed there was something off about Morgan from the moment I had arrived back from the gym. She had been avoiding my gaze all evening, clearly worried about something, something nagging at her mind, bugging her in a way she couldn’t put into words.

It wasn’t as though she didn’t have plenty to be worried about, to be honest. I didn’t blame her for being a little off her game, but I just wanted to get to the bottom of it. I needed her to know that she could talk to me about anything and everything—that there wasn’t a damn thing in the world she couldn’t share with me, no matter how tough it might have seemed, no matter how much she might have wanted to keep it to herself.

I reached across the dining table, taking her hand, and her head snapped up. She had been toying with her food all evening, ignoring the glass of wine I had poured for her.

"Morgan," I murmured to her. "What’s going on with you?"