Page 127 of Mafia Target

Sasha shrugged. “A year ago I would have said absolutely not. But he hasn’t been the same since Málaga.”

I could easily say the same. My whole life had been turned upside down. But then it reset in a new direction, one Alessio had helped me navigate before everything went to shit.

“I don’t need you and I don’t love you. Just like your parents.”

I regretted saying it. I lost my cool and wanted to hurt him. Walking away from him in Sicily had been hard, but I forced myself to do it. Even if I could forgive him for lying, how could I be with him after all that happened? Would I bring him to Siderno for dinners with my family, knowing that he almost killed my father? The idea was ludicrous.

I rubbed my eyes and Frankie’s words from a few weeks ago bounced into my head.

“We are capable of forgiveness. And sometimes it’s the most human, most beautiful thing we can do.”

I didn’t know if I could. I was out of my depth, swimming in uncertainty. Paolo had never betrayed or lied to me. Neither had any of my father’s men. If so, they would’ve been killed. Was I weak if I forgave Alessio? Would anyone ever respect me? Could I respect myself?

But Sasha’s news had me worried. This wasn’t like Alessio. He was a loner, but giving me his money? That was alarming. Was he trying to get my attention? Or was this a penance?

Fuck, I didn’t know. But I needed to find him and learn the truth.

I rose and touched the cuff links on my wrists. A gift from my father, the links had belonged to my grandfather and they reminded me of the Ravazzani blood running through my veins. We were strong. Fearless and smart. I hoped to do everything here that my father accomplished in Siderno.

And I would—just as soon as I cleared up my past.

“Sasha,” I said, interrupting the arguing she was doing with Ilya. “Where was the last place you saw him?”

“London. But this was before he left for Sicily.”

So, where would he go after Sicily without money or a passport? “Is he still in Sicily?”

“No. He boarded a flight for London, but never arrived.”

Interesting. “He said he has properties all over Europe.”

Sasha gestured to the papers on the table. “Not any longer.”

“But he could be hiding in one.” While he waited for me to come find him.

“All the houses have been checked. Even the outsides, the cellars. The attics. The mouse holes. Nothing. He is in the wind.”

“Are you thinking of searching for him, principe?” Benito was by my side, and I scowled at the use of the nickname. He chuckled. “I like it. Until you give me a better name, that is what I’m calling you.”

“Then I will shoot you and feed you to the pigs I clearly need to buy.” I inhaled a deep breath and let it out slowly. “And yes, I am thinking of searching for him.”

“We don’t have much time. How long do you think you’ll be gone?”

Alessio could be anywhere in the world. Mexico, South America. Antarctica—

Oh, of course. It made perfect sense. A small smile tugged at my lips. There was only one place he would go, one place so deeply off the grid. No wonder Sasha couldn’t find him.

But I could.

I grabbed the papers off the counter. I would go there and force him to explain this nonsense. “I have to go.”

Sasha peered at my face. “You know where he is, don’t you?”

“I do—and I need to pack a fucking sweater.”

* * *
