Page 100 of Mafia Mistress

“My life is ruined,” I whispered shakily. “I’ll never go to university. I’ll never see Emma and Gia again. I’m totally alone.”

“This is not true. You wanted a life outside of your father’s world, and now you’ve been given it. You’re not foolish or stupid. You’re very clever. I am certain you’ll find a way to see your sisters again.”

He made it sound so easy. But then, to a man like him, everything was easy. I shook my head. “I cannot see how. He’ll keep them from me, then marry them off to men who will keep them from me.”

“You forget that you now have a very powerful man in your life who can do almost anything. I can help you.”

“How?” I nearly screeched. “You are here and they are in Toronto. Plus, you know nothing can supersede a husband or father in this life. If they want to keep me away from Emma and Gia then they will.”

“Trust me, no? I will help you with your sisters. And if you want to go to school, take classes online. Plenty of students attend virtually these days.”

Right, sure. What an easy solution! “With what money? He will cut me off. Not to mention that school was supposed to start in two weeks. I don’t even have a laptop.”

“I will give you the money and you’ll have a laptop by tonight.”

I leaned back to see his handsome face. The light in his blue eyes was soft and tender, and I let myself get swept away by the affection there. “You would do that for me?”

The edge of his mouth hitched. “Francesca, I like taking care of you. Haven’t you realized that by now?”

“But it’s expensive.”

“I have the money. Let me pay for your classes and books.”

Could I do this? Could I allow Fausto to pay for my school? I considered it, thinking through everything that could go wrong. “What happens if we stop sleeping together? Then I won’t be able to continue. That would almost be worse.”

“Then I’ll set aside the full amount into a trust that only you can access.”

I studied his expression, but he looked completely serious. Good lord, that was a lot of money. If I accepted it, did that mean I really was a whore? I hadn’t wanted a big payout at the end of this relationship, like his other mistresses, but what choice did I have?

Be your own woman, Francesca. Don’t make my mistakes.

My mother’s words haunted me. The only way to do that was to get an education and make a life for myself outside of the mafia.

I was proud, but not stupid. “Okay, but I will pay you back. Every euro.”

“Can you not consider it a gift?”

“No. Then I’d feel like I was in it only for the money.”

His eyes narrowed. “The position of mantenuta is important here, Francesca. You have more access to me than anyone, even Marco. Everyone knows this and will treat you with respect or they will answer to me.”

“So you’re saying it’s not just about the money.”

“Exactly. It’s about power, as are most things in this world. And you have a lot of it. Haven’t you realized that yet?”

No, I hadn’t. It didn’t feel like it when my father hurled hateful insults at me and I would never see my sisters again. “Isn’t it also about orgasms?”

He pressed his mouth to mine and gave me a deep kiss that made me dizzy. “It’s especially about orgasms.”

That I could handle.

I leaned my forehead against his cheek and inhaled his familiar comforting scent. “Thank you, baby. I will pay you back and whatever you can do about my sisters would be very much appreciated.”

His lips found my forehead. “See? Now was that so difficult? I like to make you happy.”

I was coming to believe it, and I had to admit this felt good. He understood me better than anyone and had gone out of his way to stay with me in Rome. More than anything else right now, I needed to forget all the shame and hurt in my heart. I didn’t want to think about the future, my family, or what anyone was saying about me.

This man could make me forget.