But nothing good ever lasted. And when the orgasm subsided, shame instantly filled me.
How quickly my show of bravado had crumbled. A few pets of my clit and he had me panting, begging, practically drooling for him. I was pathetic.
My eyes started to fill, but I would not cry in front of him. What had happened was humiliating enough. I couldn’t stand it if he saw my tears, too.
I started to shove off his lap, but strong arms held me in place. “Do not regret what happens between us. You like what I do to you, so don’t question why.”
“Do not tell me how to feel. You might control my body, but you don’t control my mind, Fausto.”
“You are strong willed, which makes my dick hard. But you will find I am strong willed, as well. Just remember that I will always win.”
I pushed up off him and he let me go this time. I buttoned my shorts without looking back at him, then I grabbed a corentto off the table and walked out of the dining room. He and his hard dick could go fuck themselves.