“I know, right? I’ll send you a selfie when we get off the phone.”
“Please do. I miss seeing your face. Okay, here’s Gia. I love you!”
“I love you, too, Em.”
“Holy shit, sis,” Gia exclaimed. “What the fuck happened to you?”
Direct and to the point. Exactly like Gia. “Hey, Gigi. How are you?”
“Tell me what happened. Papà said that man caught you escaping and took you to Italy. Did he hurt you?”
I thought about Fausto’s hand gently brushing the hair off my face, the way he’d gripped me carefully in the kitchen. He hadn’t hurt me, at least not after drugging me. Still, I wouldn’t give my sisters anything to worry about. “No one has hurt me. I’m fine.”
I heard Em in the background as she told Gia about the yacht. “You’re on a fucking yacht right now?” Gia asked into the phone. “I told you they were loaded. Is the castle amazing?”
My face felt like it was going to split apart from my wide smile. “Yes, it is amazing. They have olive trees and a vineyard. There are pigs and cattle and the most adorable little lambs.”
“Oh, I can’t wait to see it. Papà said we are coming to your wedding in a few weeks.”
The smile instantly fell from my face. “We’ll see.” I didn’t want to say more, not on Giulio’s phone.
“Is this your new number?”
“No, this is Giulio’s phone. He let me borrow it.”
“Giulio is your fiancé?”
“No. Yes. Well, sort of. For now.”
“Oh, shit. I know that voice. You are planning something.”
Was I? Yes, I was planning to escape, but the planning part hadn’t really started. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll figure it out.”
“You always do,” Gia said. “Hey, did you hear what happened to David?”
A weird knot settled in my stomach. With the kidnapping and Ravazzani’s general hotness causing my brain to malfunction, I hadn’t thought of David much. Something told me I wasn’t going to like what came next. “No. What?”
“That Ravazzani guy beat the shit out of him. I guess they saw David crawl out of your window that morning.”
I sucked in a breath and closed my eyes. Fausto had hurt David? That asshole! He had no right to do that. David didn’t deserve to be beaten just for being with me. “Is he all right?”
“He’s fine, Frankie.” She snickered. “Though I hear he pissed himself in fear.”
“That’s not funny,” I snapped. “Please tell him I’m sorry if you see him.”
“I will, I will. Jeez. Calm your tits.”
Giulio emerged from the depths of the salon and I knew my time with my sisters was over. “Love you, Gia. I’ll speak to you and Em later, okay?”
“Love you, too. I hope those bastards let you have a phone soon.”
“Me, too. Talk soon. Bye.”
I hung up, then snapped a quick selfie of me, the boat, and my drink then sent it to Emma. Once it went through, I handed the phone to Giulio. “Thanks. That meant a lot.”
He stretched out on the deck chair. “You’re welcome. Your sisters are well?”
“Did you know that your father beat up my boyfriend?”
Giulio rolled his head to the side and pulled down his sunglasses to look at me. “He caught your boyfriend sneaking out of your bedroom. So I assumed so, yes.”
Mafia thugs. I crossed my arms and stared out at the beautiful water. No matter the tempting trappings of a vineyard and a yacht, I had to keep reminding myself these people were dangerous. Ruthless killers. I couldn’t be blinded by broad shoulders and a chiseled jaw. Underneath Ravazzani’s ruggedly handsome package was a monster.
Wasn’t I supposed to be afraid of monsters?