Chapter Ten
This was insane.It was like he was seducing me into killing him.
His voice, rough and low, filled the car and my head, luring me deeper into his web. I was mesmerized, not frightened, which worried me.
You are definitely not a good girl, Francesca.
Was that why I hadn’t fought when Ravazzani’s soldier shoved me back into the car? Or why my stomach fluttered when Ravazzani himself showed up to retrieve me from the police?
Was that why my panties were soaked right now?
No, I could not let it be true. I had to remain strong and remember I wanted a normal life. The life my mother had wanted for her daughters. I was not turned on by this man or the violence he represented.
I shoved at his shoulder, which I couldn’t help but notice was solid and strong, and handed him the gun back. “Stop fucking with my head.”
Smirking, he put some distance between us and pocketed the gun. I hated that smug look on his face. “Don’t think for one second that this proves anything. I’m not stupid enough to shoot you when I know I’ll be caught. I’d much rather wait until you let your guard down.”
“My guard is never down. You’d be wise to remember it.”
That sounded like a horrible way to live. But I didn’t feel pity for him. This man had chosen this life, even if his fate was preordained by family. We all had choices to make, and he clearly made his a long time ago. Just like my choice was to not marry a criminal.
But his comment made me wonder. “How did you know I left?”
“There are eyes and ears everywhere. It’s how I keep my family safe.”
The cameras. Of course. Giulio said I would never see them, so I had to learn where they were to avoid them next time. “Why aren’t you angry I tried to escape?”
“Because I suspected you might and I like to be proven right. Especially when it comes to you, it seems.”
The light played across his cheekbones, as well as a lush mouth that could be so cruel but also teasing. He hadn’t shaved recently, and a dark scruff covered his sharp jaw. There was something about his hard blue eyes, along with the power he exuded, that caused me to shiver.
I had to get a hold of myself. The man had put a gun in my hand and told me to shoot him. He was straight up certifiable.
“You knew I wouldn’t get away,” I said. “You knew there was no chance I could escape.”
His mouth curved into a smile so sexy it would tempt a nun into breaking her vows. “That is true.”
Frustration burned my skin, an embarrassing combination of anger and hopelessness I didn’t bother to hide. “I hate you.”
“I know. It will get easier, though, once you have accepted your fate.”
“It’s not fate. You are forcing me into this. My fate was to go to college and choose my own husband.”
He threw his head back and laughed. “If your father allowed you to believe this, he is a bigger fool than I imagined. Women in our world do not have choices such as this. He would have married you to another family’s son to strengthen his position. It’s what is to be expected. And deep down you know it.”
“No, I don’t. What I do know is that I will continue to defy you, Giulio, and anyone else who gets in my way of escaping this nightmare.”
“Nightmare? You should feel honored that I am willing to marry you to my son knowing you are not pure. You should be bowing and scraping at my feet in gratitude.”
I gaped at him. “Not pure? Are you serious? You have some nerve judging me, considering you banged your girlfriend inside the house.”
One dark brow rose. “You almost sound jealous.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” I said, putting as much indignation as I could muster into my tone. “I don’t care if you screw her sideways against the kitchen wall, but you can’t slut shame me for having sex outside of marriage when you are doing the same.”
“Yes, I can. The rules for daughters are different, as you well know. And Katarzyna likes it when I fuck her against the wall.”