“Definitely stay here.” I had no desire to get pulled into ’ndrina business any sooner than I needed to. Hopefully never.
“Don’t move. I’ll return in a few minutes.”
He disappeared and I continued to dance my ass off. I was wearing three-inch heels and my feet already hurt, but I didn’t care. If we could only stay an hour, then I intended to make the most of it. I spun and twirled, let the music carry me off to a place where nothing mattered. Where I was free.
Many songs later, Giulio hadn’t returned. My feet were throbbing and my throat was dry. I decided to take a break and see if I could find him in the VIP section. At least then I could sit and drink some water.
The man guarding the stairs to the VIP section barely gave me a passing glance, instantly dismissing me. “Ciao!” I said loudly, waving my hand in front of his face. “I’m with Giulio Ravazzani. I believe he went upstairs.”
The man didn’t move a muscle. “Nice try.”
“No, I really am with Giulio.” Then I forced the hateful words out. “He’s my fiancé. I’m Francesca Mancini.”
The man blinked as he transferred wide brown eyes to my face. “You are Signorina Mancini?”
“Mi dispiace,” he said and lifted the rope for me. “I didn’t know, signorina.”
I guess word had gotten around about Giulio’s engagement. I didn’t know whether to be horrified or grateful. “Grazie,” I said and went up the stairs.
Toes screaming with pain, I reached the landing and glanced around. No Giulio. That was odd. He said he’d be up here. Had I missed him downstairs? Looking over the railing into the crowd below, I didn’t see him there either. Hmm.
When I turned, I noticed a darker section that looked like it wrapped around the side of a small room. An office maybe? I hope Giulio wasn’t beating some guy up back there. Or worse, I hope he wasn’t being beaten up.
I decided to take a peek. The dark narrow hallway was empty, but I saw something even better. A dimly lit exit sign. I held my breath, my heart pounding harder than it had on the dance floor. No one was around. I could slip out that door and disappear into Siderno, away from the Ravazzanis.
Did I dare?
My feet were moving before I could stop myself. In my bones, I knew this was my best chance at escape. I slipped along the edge of the wall and very carefully pushed on the heavy metal bar that would operate the door. It cracked open silently, the cool night air washing over my bare legs. I edged into the darkness, muscles poised to flee—and came to an abrupt halt.
Giulio and another man were locked in an embrace on the fire escape, kissing each other like the world was about to end. Both of their dicks were out and rubbing together, their hips grinding and churning.
Holy...shit. Giulio liked men.
I tried to step back inside without making a noise, but I must have failed because the couple looked over. Horror flashed on Giulio’s face. “Minchia!” he hissed and lunged to yank up his pants, but I was already hurrying through the door and back into the club.
“I’m sorry!” I blurted before the door shut behind me.
Was Giulio going to be mad at me for interrupting? I raced through the VIP area, trying to put distance between me and a potentially angry mobster. It was none of my business if Giulio liked men or women, or both. I honestly didn’t care.
Did his father know?
Likely not. While the LGBTQ+ community had made strides in recent years, the mafia was not exactly woke. They were still very old school, and gay members were quietly murdered so as to not embarrass their family. We’d heard whispers in Toronto about various soldiers killed because of their sexual preference for men.
Would Giulio kill me now that I had learned his secret?
I swallowed hard and went down the stairs, fear giving me speed. I didn’t think Giulio would hurt me—not after he’d saved me in the dungeon—but what did I know? These men were strangers and cold-blooded killers. He could cause me to disappear and never leave a trace.
At the bottom of the stairs, a hand grabbed my arm from behind, pulling me to a halt. “Frankie, wait.”
I turned and saw the utter devastation on his face, what appeared to be fear and shame. I held up my hands. “It’s none of my business. Seriously, Giulio.”
He glanced around us, clearly worried we might be overheard. “Not here. We’ll talk back at the castello. Let’s go.”
There was no chance to plead my case or ask what he intended as he tugged me along behind him. We found Marco and the car not far from the entrance. Giulio held the door for me and I slid onto the smooth leather seat. Marco said nothing as we drove to the castle, and Giulio was silent, as well. I clenched my knees together and tried not to panic.
He can’t kill me without explaining this to his father.