Page 23 of Mafia Mistress

“Sure, I’ll play chaperone. That’s more exciting than spending time with my family.”

I couldn’t tell whether he was being sardonic or not. “Give them space. The idea is for them to get close.” Even though the thought made my chest burn with an emotion I dared not name. All the more reason I must push them together—quickly. This girl had me contemplating very stupid ideas, and I could not afford to act on any of them.

“Have you informed Giulio of this?”

“No, but he’ll do as he’s told.” I picked up my phone and texted him instructions. “There. He’s sleeping but he’ll see this later on.”

“I hear he was up late dealing with a delivery from our friends down south.”

“He told me there were no issues.”

“There weren’t...until later.”

I smoothed my tie, taking a second to compose myself before hearing disturbing news. I was already on edge from my meeting with Francesca. “What does that mean?”

Marco sighed. “Gratteri called. He inventoried the packages today and thought we were light, even though the men at the drop said it was all accounted for when they left.”

“How light?”

“Around four hundred grams.”

I instantly did the math. “That’s almost seventeen thousand Euros worth—and it’s missing?”


“Who was the last to leave the storage site?”

“I’m told it was Giulio.”

“Cazzo.” I pounded my fist on the table.

“I know, but what would Giulio want with that much uncut cocaine? It doesn’t make sense.”

“He said he went out with friends after. Came in this morning as Zia served breakfast.”

“Did he look high?”

“No. Certainly not four hundred grams worth.”

Marco held up his palms. “Maybe he did go out and met a lot of friends. Maybe they partied all night.”

Even so, I didn’t like it. Giulio knew better than to take from the ’ndrina. I gave him everything he wanted. Our power and wealth meant no stealing required. And my son had never been into drugs. If so, I certainly would have heard about it. After his mother was killed, I kept a close eye on him, though I loosened my surveillance in the last three years as he took on more responsibilities. This had to be a mistake. “Tell Gratteri to count it again. I want every gram accounted for.”

“He’s already counted it three times, Rav.”

“It’s not a lot, but it looks sloppy. Worse, I cannot have Giulio’s name associated with any irregularities in our operation.”


“Don’t do anything, not until I can speak with Giulio. If he admits to taking the drugs, I’ll inform Gratteri that Giulio was acting under my orders.”

“No one will believe you need four hundred grams of coke.”

“Maybe, but no one would dare question me.”

“What will you do to Giulio if he admits it?”

I tapped my fingers on my desk. I never considered that discipline of this kind would be needed with my son. He’d been born and raised in our world, and he knew the consequences for transgressions. He’d even meted out quite a few himself over the last three or four years. The responsibility for punishment would fall on my shoulders...and I honestly didn’t know what I would do. “Cristo. I’m not sure.”