Page 116 of Mafia Mistress

“I’m pregnant.”

“Holy shit! But you’ve only been there barely two months. That was fast.”

Yes, because of Fausto’s stupid virility. “I forgot about my shot. Normally the doctor’s office calls to remind me to make an appointment, but I left my phone in Toronto. With everything that happened, it just totally slipped my mind.”

“You’re having a baby. I can hardly believe it. I’m going to be an aunt!”

Hearing her excitement, I pinched the bridge of my nose between my thumb and forefinger. “This is not a good thing. This is a nightmare, actually.”

“Frankie, if you had married his son, you’d probably be having a baby anyway. That’s the way these stupid mafia marriages work. They like to keep us uneducated and pregnant.”

A knot lodged in my throat. I didn’t want that future. I wanted to go to college and live like a normal young woman. Have fun and go to parties. Get drunk and hook up with random guys. My eyes started burning, tears gathering behind my lids. “Gia, what am I going to do?”

“Oh, sis. I’m sorry. He didn’t...force you, did he?”

“Definitely not. I wanted to sleep with him. I just didn’t mean to get pregnant.”

“Well, what did he say about it?”

“He’s beyond happy. Apparently, it’s common here for mistresses to have babies. No one has batted an eye so far.” At least Giulio and Zia hadn’t. Who knew what everyone else would say?

“Papà will seriously flip out if he learns of a baby.”

“You can’t tell him. Please, Gia. You can tell Em, but don’t mention this to anyone else.”

“I won’t. He’s already pissed because you are a quote ‘whore,’ sleeping with a man you aren’t married to. He’s been screaming that you’ve brought shame to the Mancini family, whatever the fuck that means.”

I could almost hear him ranting, calling me a disappointment. “I’m sorry. I know this might affect you and Em, too, since you’re still unmarried and living at home.”

“Are you kidding? I don’t want an Italian husband. I hope no one in this stupid ’ndrina wants to marry me when the time comes.”

I sighed and traced the edge of the stone table with my fingertip. “I’ve made a complete mess of my life.”

“You said you liked it there, so maybe it won’t be so bad.”

“I liked it here when I considered it a summer abroad. Now it’s the rest of my life.”

“Well, Em will tell you this is fate, but I will say it’s shitty luck. We’ll find a way to help you escape, if that’s what you want.”

If only.

“He’d just hunt me down. There’s no escaping this, Gigi,” I said, using her childhood nickname.

“Well, he better take good care of you or I will hire someone to beat his ass.”

I laughed. “Gotcha. I’ll be sure to let him know. Love you.”

“Love you, too, Frankie. Talk soon, okay?”

“Okay. Give my love to Em.”

When we hung up, I started crying, silent tears streaming down my face. I missed my sisters. This nightmare would be so much easier if I had them here with me….

Then I remembered the conditions I needed to write for Fausto. I was definitely adding “bring my sisters to Siderno” to the list.

* * *
