Page 107 of Mafia Mistress

The bodies were being dismembered and shoved into drums for disposal. Marco and Benito were laughing and chatting, unaffected by the grisly work. “Marco,” I called.

He came over, his gloves covered in blood. “What is it, Rav?”

For a moment, I hesitated. I trusted Marco with my life, but this was my son. If Giulio were gay, I could not even begin to fathom the repercussions.

Still, I needed my cousin’s help.

“I saw Giulio come out of the back hallway off the VIP lounge with one of Gratteri’s soldiers. The boy seemed overly familiar with Giulio.” I let that sink in, and Marco’s eyes went wide.

“You think? No, Rav. It’s impossible. Your son?”

“I’m sure I am wrong, but I have to know.”

“As far as I know there aren’t cameras outside that exit, just on the inside of the door. I can put one outside if you want.”

“Do it. No one is involved but me and you. Not even Gratteri. And no one sees that footage but me. Capisce?”

“Of course. I’ll get it up tonight, when no one’s around. We have those new tiny cameras the Guardia uses. I’ll put up one of those.”

“Good.” I dragged a hand through my hair. “Grazie.”

“Rav, don’t worry. Maybe they were out there doing blow. You never know with kids these days. I’m sure it’s nothing.”

I nodded and clapped his shoulder. “God willing.”

Because the ’Ndrangheta did not tolerate gay men. They were feared and distrusted, and usually one of their family members killed them to save face.

I could not even contemplate what this meant for my son if it were true.