Shit. I hated that I was now doubting myself. I was always so careful.
I looked back and tried to remember when I’d had my last period. Six weeks ago.
My stomach dropped. This couldn’t be. It couldn’t be. I used the birth control shot, which had never failed me before. I’d never even had a scare with David. My cycle was as regular as rain.
I searched my brain for the date of my last shot. It was supposed to last for three months, so I should still be covered. My heart raced in my chest, my breath coming faster as I remembered that my last shot was four and a half months ago.
That shouldn’t matter, right? I should be okay. This was not happening. I wasn’t pregnant. I was late because of the stress of being taken from my home and kidnapped, then seduced by a sexy older Italian man.
I opened a browser and began searching to see if the shot remained effective after the three-month timeframe elapsed.
The results had my eyes welling with tears. The effectiveness plummeted when the three-month period ended.
Okay, don’t panic, Frankie. You can handle this.
Could I get a morning after pill? It’s not the morning after, you idiot.
I took a deep breath and texted the one person I thought I could trust to help me.
Emergency. Come home ASAP.
* * *
The club’sbasement was sparse and musty. There wasn’t much down here to speak of, just a table and some chairs. A metal storage box in the corner housed the equipment needed to work over unwilling captives. While I didn’t like having meetings outside of the castello, these weren’t the kind of men I wanted anywhere near my home—especially with Francesca there.
Two men were strapped to chairs, their eyes burning with hatred but also fear. They knew they would die here tonight, but also it would not be an easy death.
It had taken time, but we finally located the captain and first mate of the ship that stole my product a few weeks ago. The coke had long disappeared, sold off to one of the Sicilian families I couldn’t touch. We had an agreement with the Cosa Nostra not to interfere or intrude in their business, and vice versa, unless absolutely necessary. And this theft was hardly worth breaking peace over.
But I would have answers and vengeance.
I’d already removed my suit coat and rolled up my sleeves. I sat in the chair opposite the two men and spoke in Greek, knowing these two wouldn’t understand Italian. “Do you know who I am?”
One of the men closed his eyes and began reciting Greek Orthodox prayers.
Yes, they knew me.
“That boat you hijacked last month? It and everything aboard belonged to me.”
The man not praying swallowed loudly.
I continued. “The pirates in my waters know to leave my ships alone. They know the risks of interfering with my business. Which means you were new to this, hired by someone else. Before I leave this room, you will tell me who.”
The captain shook his head. “We don’t know, I swear.”
I didn’t believe him for a second. “We will see, won’t we?” I nodded to Marco, who handed me my favorite weapon of choice—a long hunting knife. I could carve a man from mouth to ass with this thing without breaking a sweat.
I fingered the sharp tip, pressing hard enough to pierce my skin. A tiny drop of red ran down the blade. Darkness crept into my soul like vines, preparing me for what needed to be done.
Flipping the knife in my hand, I drove the blade into the captain’s leg. His scream filled the sound-proof room. I left the blade in, both for shock value and to prevent blood from coating the floor too soon. “Who hired you?”
“I don’t know!”
“Bullshit. Someone paid you to rob me, gave you information on where to find my ship. Tell me who.”
He was trembling, eyes dull with pain. “We don’t know.”