Thankfully Zia had wandered away, busy in another part of her garden. I slid my hands over his chest. “I can’t help it. I’ve never seen you in jeans and a t-shirt. Very sexy, paparino.”
He squeezed a buttock. “Behave. I cannot walk around the workers with a hard dick and still maintain their respect.”
“Maybe they’d respect you more, if they could see what you’re packing.”
Rolling his eyes, he dragged me out of the garden. He spoke to Zia over his shoulder, probably telling her he was taking me somewhere, so I waved good-bye. Fausto wrapped his arm around my waist and tucked me into his side. We headed toward the southwestern part of the estate, away from the vineyards and toward the farmland. “Any guesses as to your surprise?”
“Are we going to clear out the stables again for an early riposo?”
“Hmm. Maybe after. I have very fond memories of that day.”
The first time I had deep throated his cock. “Me, too. Can I take a selfie with you? Please? I like the casual mafia boss look. I won’t post it anywhere. It’ll be just for me.” He always refused to be in pictures with me, much as Giulio had in Rome.
“No photos, Francesca. I can’t risk it ending up online or someone hacking your phone.”
“Are you saying the Italian government doesn’t know who you are?”
“Of course, they do. But that doesn’t mean I want to remind them.”
We went into the stables. This time, he didn’t order everyone out. Instead, he led me to a stall in the back. On the wall was a brass plate that read La Piccola Monella. “You’re moving me out to the stables?” I joked.
“Not yet,” he smirked and slapped my ass. “Look inside.”
I peeked into the stall and a huge brown head appeared. It was a chestnut-colored horse with a patch of white on its face. She nuzzled toward me, curious. I reached out and stroked her muzzle. “Hello, girl.” She shifted and bobbed her head, like she was saying hello, too. I laughed.
“I think she likes you,” Fausto said, his chest at my back. “Not that I ever doubted it. You are far kinder to animals than you are to me.”
“I was very kind to you last night. Twice, in fact.” I continued to pet the horse. “She’s beautiful, Fausto.”
“I am glad you think so. She belongs to you.”
I cast a glance over my shoulder. His brown gaze smoldered with heat and affection, a look I was coming to know well. “You bought me a horse?”
“Sí. I took the honor of naming her, though.”
“So I can ride whenever I like?” I liked to walk the estate, but that could be exhausting. Plus, I missed riding. We had grown up taking lessons as girls.
“Of course. You must wear a helmet, however.”
My paparino. Always looking out for me. I bit my lip as happiness coursed through my chest. “I promise. May I go now?”
“Yes, as long as I may come with you.”
Now the casual clothes made sense. He’d planned time away from work to take me riding. Grinning, I threw my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist, clinging to him like that aphid on the leaf. “Of course. Grazie, Fausto. This is the very best surprise.”
He held me under my ass and kissed my mouth. “I’m glad you are happy. Let me have both horses saddled and then we’ll go.”