“What the fuck are you talking about? Good for me? She isn’t red meat, Marco.”
“You have been obsessed with her for weeks. Then you tear off to Roma to see her without any regard for proper security. And you walk in looking likea lovesick puppy.”
“You’d better take care,” I said softly, trying to hold onto my temper. “You are my cousin, but that does not mean you may treat me with disrespect. My relationship with Francesca is none of your concern.”
“It is when it affects the business, the brotherhood.”
“There is no reason to worry. You have merely forgotten what it is like to fuck a new woman.”
“I am very happy fucking my wife, Rav. I don’t need new pussy to feel like a man.”
My entire body went hot at the insult and I shot to my feet. I angled down and snarled, “Get out of my office before I do or say something I might regret.”
He held up his palms. “I am sorry. I didn't mean it as it came out. But I will leave.” Standing, he slipped his hands into his pockets. “Please, just be careful. She is not from here, Rav. She has different ideas of what her life looks like. We don’t know that she is entirely trustworthy.”
I did. I trusted Francesca down to the marrow of my bones. She had given me everything I’d asked of her, had put her life in my hands, and I would not allow her to regret it. As my mistress, she would be given the world at her feet.
Anyone who didn’t like it would answer to me.