Giulio didn’t seem to care much for the land, either. He had played outside as a young boy, but now showed little interest in the businesses on the estate. Of late, he preferred the clubs and posh lifestyle in the city. Someday I would need to train him on how to oversee all this. It would become his responsibility when I died.
“Signore Ravazzani,” one of the workers said, tipping his cap at me.
“Buona sera, Adelmo. Have you seen the signorina?”
“Sí. I saw the signorina a quarter of an hour ago by the stables.”
“Grazie. How is your wife’s foot?”
“It is better, signore. The infection has cleared up and she’s back on her feet.”
“I am glad to hear it. Let me know if she needs anything else.”
“Thank you for sending the doctor, signore. We are so grateful to you and your family.”
I clapped him on the back. “No need to thank me. Unless she wants to send over some sfogliatella. Do not tell Zia, but your wife makes the best I’ve ever tasted.”
Adelmo nodded, his smile wide. “Of course, Signore Ravazzani. It would be our pleasure. I’m headed home for riposo anyhow.”
Most of the estate staff returned home between the hours of one and four o’clock during these hot summer months for a riposo. Then they would return and work until after sundown.
“Give her my regards,” I said as I walked away.
The stables were not far from the barn and the farm animals. I was surprised Francesca wasn’t in the vineyards, as she seemed to enjoy plants more than most people. Except for the lambs, I didn’t hear of her often on this side of the estate.
I could see Zia in the gardens, tending to her aubergine and lettuce. She grew much of what we ate in the castello, and though I worried about her in the heat, she loved being outside. I didn’t call out, however, as I didn’t want to explain why I wasn’t in my office.
That was no one’s business but mine. And soon to be Francesca’s.
I found her leaning against the wooden fence of the paddock, watching as a groom exercised one of the stallions. The sun had warmed her skin to a golden color, and my mouth watered. She still wore the tiny top and skin-tight shorts, and I could only imagine the thoughts of the men on the estate as they watched her today. Probably the same thoughts I’d been having about her since breakfast.
I leaned close to her ear. “Ciao, bellissima.”
She started, her body jolting into the fence. “What the fuck, Fausto? Don’t sneak up on me like that.”
I wanted to spank her ass for ordering me around with that filthy mouth, but I figured that could wait until we were alone. There were too many eyes, even at one o’clock. “Are you having a nice day?”
“Do you ride?” she asked instead of answering my question.
“Yes. Do you?”
“I used to. My sister Gia was always more into horses than Emma and I.”
“Do you miss your sisters?”
She sighed and placed her chin atop her hands on the railing. “I do, but they are closer to each other. They’re twins,” she explained as if I didn’t already know. “It’s like they can communicate without talking.”
“I’ve heard some twins can do that.”
“Giulio let me call them on his phone yesterday and I loved hearing their voices.”
I blinked at this revelation. I hadn’t meant to cut her off from her family forever, but giving her a phone so soon was a risk. Still, a sliver of guilt worked its way under my ribs. “I will let you call them whenever you like, dolcezza.”
She turned, put her back to the fence, and faced me. The tip of her nose had turned pink. She bit her lip as she stared up at me. “I want a phone, Fausto.”
I couldn’t resist. I leaned down and took her mouth, needing to sample her lips. They were warm and soft, and I thrust my tongue inside, eager to taste every bit of her in this moment. I wanted her sighs and moans, her adoration and her tears. I wanted to own her, body and soul.
My hands found her hips and I let my fingers rest on the sun-kissed skin above her waistband, her tits pushing against my chest. When she rose on her toes to get closer, I cupped her ass with both hands and lifted her up. Long legs wrapped around my hips and I rested her against the fence as I continued to eat at her mouth. Fuck, she tasted so good, like wine and olives. Salty and sweet, exactly like her. I angled my head, trying to get deeper, sweeping my tongue over hers.