Page 97 of Grim

“Just open it.”

I didn’t have a good feeling as I pulled the paper back and removed the top of the box. As soon as I saw the blue and white testing strip, I knew she was pregnant. I put the top back on and leaned back in my seat. “How did this happen?”

It was a dick question. I knew how it happened, but we’d talked about it. She knew my worries about the age difference, so my reaction shouldn’t have come as a complete surprise. “Well, I was sick last month. I guess the antibiotics made my birth control less effective or something.”

When I didn’t respond, she let out an exasperated breath. “I knew you wouldn’t be thrilled with the idea, but I hoped you would be at least a little happy about it.”

“Ten years ago, I would’ve been good with it. Hell, I would have been more than good with it. But you gotta know I’m too old for a baby.”

“You’re not too old,” Luna interjected. “You’re just right.”

“You think so?”

“Um-hmm.” She nodded with a smile. “You play Barbies good, and you let me paint your fingernails.”

“Kid, that’s between you and me.”

“I know.” She smiled. “But I really want a baby sister.”

“Is that right?”

“Yeah, and I want her to have your hair and Momma’s eyes. And I want her to be nice like me. And you can fix the other room for her and make it pretty like mine. And I can share my toys with her.”

“You’ve really thought this out.”

The kid never failed to amaze me. She made the impossible possible, and I could not only picture bringing a new baby into our lives but found myself happy about the idea. My DNA or not, Luna felt as much mine as any kid could be, and if she thought I’d be a good dad to this kid, then who was I to tell her any different?

And hell, maybe she was right.

Thatch had turned out alright, and Luna was holding her own.

Maybe, just maybe, I could do this father thing one more time.

I turned my attention back to Jenna, and I wasn’t surprised to find her looking out the window with a blank expression on her face. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she was thinking of all the different ways she could kill me in my sleep. I wouldn’t exactly blame her. I’d been an ass, so I leaned over to her and whispered, “I’m sorry. I’m not very good with surprises.”

“It’s okay.”

“No, it’s not. None of this has been okay.” I reached over and took her hand in mine. “Can we start this over?”

“I don’t really think that’s possible.”

“Sure it is.” I took the box in my hand and slowly opened it. I reached in and took out the test, then looked at her with a smile. “You’re gonna have my baby?”

“Yeah, in about eight months.”

“Holy shit.” I looked back at the test. “I can’t believe it. We’re gonna have a kid.”

“I know it’s a lot, but...”

“It’s gonna be good. We’re gonna bring another one of you into this world.”

“It could be another you.”

“Lord, let’s hope not.” I leaned over and kissed her. “Boy or girl, I don’t care. I just have one request.”

“Okay, what’s that?”

“If it’s a boy, we name him Lenard.”