“Yeah, the guys have a sick sense of humor.”
“I don’t know. I kind of get it.” Stacie glanced to her left. “But I’m not so sure about Ghost. Does he see dead people or something?”
“No, he just has a way of sneaking up on ya, and it’ll scare the hell out of ya when he does.”
“OH.” She took another drink. “I certainly hope he doesn’t ever try sneaking up on me, or we’ll both get a scare.”
The guys chuckled, even Ghost, and that tickled Stacie.
I was glad she was having a good time. I was, too. It was nice getting to know the guys a little better. It was also nice seeing Lawson in his element. He seemed truly at home with his brothers, and it meant a great deal that he was sharing that with me.
Stacie had just finished off her beer and was about to ask for another when Duggar started walking over. She immediately leaned over to me and whispered, “Who’s that?”
“That’s Duggar. He’s one of the club’s prospects.”
“What’s a prospect?”
“It’s someone who’s working to be a brother but isn’t one yet.”
She appeared a bit skeptical as he approached and offered her a drink. “I thought you might like a cold one.”
“Thanks.” She took it from his hand and smiled. “I appreciate it.”
“You interested in a dance or a game of pool?”
“Oh, I don’t know.” She glanced over at me, then right back to him. “It’s really nice of you to offer, but I think I’m going to pass.”
“Okay. Suit yourself.” He raised his bottle and smiled. “You ladies have a nice night.”
I wasn’t surprised that she’d turned it down. She’d had her eye on Skid the entire night, and he had been eyeing her, too. I had a feeling there was something going on there, but it was clear that neither of them was going to do anything about it. So, I left it alone and hoped they would figure it out on their own.
After another hour or so, the party started to fizzle out. Most of the guys had already left, and it was quiet, with a low rumble of a song playing on the jukebox. Lawson stood by the doorway, looking sexy as hell as he waited for me to make my way over to him. Even from across the room, I could see that lustful spark in his eyes, making me want him even more. There was no better feeling than seeing that look and knowing it was just for me.
I walked over to him and smiled, “Hey there. How’s my man making it tonight?”
“Better now.” He slipped his arm around my waist. “You ready?”
“You gonna be able to ride back, or should we take the truck?”
“I can ride,” I assured him. “I only had a few.”
He nodded, then took my hand and led me out to his bike. When we got home, Nikki and Luna were sound asleep on the sofa. Lawson walked over and carefully lifted Luna into his arms, then carried her to her bedroom. I saw no point in waking Nikki, so I covered her with a blanket and left her there to sleep.
When I got to our bedroom, Lawson was there waiting for me, and he’d already taken off his shirt. And oh, man. He was looking mighty fine. I could’ve just eaten him up right then and there. He must’ve noticed me admiring him because his lips curled into a smirk. “You like what you see?”
“Oh, yeah. My man is looking good tonight.”
“You think so?”
“I know so.”
The sound of his zipper sliding down sent a jolt of excitement through me. This man had me imagining all sorts of things—very naughty, wicked things. Unable to hide the thoughts that were going through my head, a devious smile crept across my face. I walked over to him and slowly dropped to my knees, reaching out for the waistband of his jeans.
His eyes widened when I started to inch his jeans down his hips.