So, so wrong.
I hadn’t even had the chance to zip it closed when the bedroom lights flicked on, and Jimmy’s brother and friend appeared in the doorway. Brandon crossed his arms and snickered, “Well, lookie lookie. We got ourselves some company, and she is fine as hell.”
“You ain’t lying.” The friend gave me the once over as he asked, “Is that little Stevie’s sister?”
“Yeah, that’s her.” Brandon's lips curled into a sinister smile. “Jimmy always had a thing for her, and now, she’s right here for the taking.”
I stood and held up my hands in surrender. “Look, guys. I don’t want any trouble.”
“Oh, I don’t know.” Brandon glanced over at his buddy. “I think trouble was exactly what you were looking for, and baby, you just found it.”
“Wait. Stop.” I took a step back. “It’s not like that.”
“Oh, but it is.” He took another step towards me, and that’s when he spotted the duffle bag at my feet. “What’s with the bag?”
“It's nothing.” I reached down and grabbed the straps, pulling it toward me. “It doesn’t belong to you.”
“Don’t belong to you neither.”
“I gotta have it.” I hoped if I was honest with them, they might cut me some slack, so I explained, “The man it belongs to has my daughter, and he won’t give her back without it.”
“Sounds like a personal problem to me.” Brandon looked at his friend. “What do you think, Derek?”
“Sure sounds that way.”
“You don’t understand. This guy is ruthless! If he doesn’t get this back, he’s going to kill us all.”
“I don’t see no guy.” Brandon looked around the room before turning to his friend. “You see a guy?”
“Nope, no guy. Just a fine-assed chick who’s got a shit-ton of pot. Damn. Is this our night or what?”
These guys were numbskulls. They were going to ruin everything. I had to get the hell out of there, but there was no escape. They were closing in on me. I tried to take another step back, but Brandon lunged forward, grabbing me by the arm and pinning me against the wall.
When I tried to break free, Derek moved in to help. “Let me go!”
I tried twisting and turning—anything that might help me get away, but they were too strong. I tried to fight them, but they forced me to the ground, pinning me beneath their weight. A wave of fear and helplessness washed over me when I realized I couldn’t get away from them.
As I lay there, helpless and defeated, my mind raced with regret. I’d made a terrible mistake by coming here. I’d just made matters worse, and now, I’d never get Luna back. The thought had me feeling utterly defeated. I stopped fighting and just let my body fall limp. I would let them do what they were going to do, and then maybe, just maybe, I could get the hell out of there.
Brandon was still on top of me when he turned to Derek and rasped, “Hold her hands.”
With Derek’s hands wrapped firmly around mine, Brandon eased off me and dropped his hands to my waist. “Tonight is your lucky night, sweetheart. We’re gonna show you a real good time.”
I didn’t respond.
I just lay there as he started to unbutton my jeans. I didn’t know what it was about these men and their need to overpower a woman. They were just like Jimmy and my stupid brother. It was sickening.
I closed my eyes and tried to shut it all out, but then I thought about Luna. I remembered the fear in her eyes when Delgado put her in the back of that SUV, and I was hit with a sudden urge to fight. I opened my eyes, and when I saw that Brandon was looking down, I slung my head forward and slammed it into the bridge of his nose.
He flailed back, clutching his face as he roared, “You stupid cunt!”
Not ready to give in, Derek tried to worm his way on top of me. But the second he tried to kick his leg over my waist, I lifted my knee and plowed it into his crotch, sending him into a fit of moans and groans. I used the opportunity to scramble to my feet. I quickly grabbed the bag and was about to rush for the door when Brandon reached out and grabbed my foot, tripping me.
“Where ya thinking you’re going, you stupid bitch!”
I was face down, clawing my way across the floor, when I felt a sudden shift in the room. Everything stilled as Brandon muttered, “What the fuck?”