“Nothing, man. I was just having a drink.”
“Is that right?” I grabbed a fistful of his collar and gave him a hard tug, pulling him off the stool and onto the floor. “And why would you come in here for a drink when you know you’re fucking banned, Barry?”
I started dragging him towards the front door as I growled, “Or did you think I forgot that you’d tried to fuck with one of our girls?”
“It was just a misunderstanding, man,” Barry shouted as his feet drug across the floor, knocking over chairs and one of the tables. “I didn’t touch that girl. Besides, it was months ago.”
“Banned is banned, asshole.”
I stopped just long enough to punch him in the gut, then continued on towards the door. Once I got him outside, I pulled him to his feet and slammed his back against the wall as I snarled, “You show your face around here again, and it’ll be the last fucking thing you do.”
I gave him one last shove, sending him stumbling into the parking lot. As soon as he made it to his car, I went back inside and reclaimed my spot by the door. Ghost was a bit hesitant, but eventually, leaned towards me and whispered, “You good?”
“Yep,” I lied.
“It’s gonna be a long one.”
“No doubt.”
My bad mood only got worse when, moments later, a fight broke out next to the main stage. “Fuck. Here we go.”
Without hesitation, we made our way over to the three men who were quickly losing control. I slipped my arm around one of the bigger guys’ throat and gave him a hard tug, lifting his feet from the floor as I jerked him away from the others. I threw him down on the ground and started punching him.
I hit him again and again.
The guy wasn’t even fighting back, but I kept hitting.
As soon as his buddies spotted us on the floor, they took a swing at Ghost. That was a mistake. Ghost plowed his fist into the smaller one’s gut, then immediately turned his attention to the other. He punched him in the jaw, and the dude toppled like a fucking tree.
I reached down and grabbed a fistful of my guy’s shirt, jerking him up on his feet. I took hold of his bicep, then grabbed his buddy before starting towards the front door. Ghost followed behind with the third guy, and once we had them outside, I gave the bigger one a hard shove. “Get the fuck out of here.”
“Come on, man. We weren’t doing nothin’.”
“You heard the man,” Ghost roared. “Get the fuck out of here.”
The three stumbled out into the parking lot and climbed into their truck. A few moments later, they were pulling out of the lot. I was watching their taillights head out into the street when I heard Star’s voice ask, “You guys okay?”
“Grim could use some ice for that hand.”
Even though it was throbbing like a motherfucker, I shook it off and started back inside. “I’m fine.”
Moments later, Ghost came back in, and after a quick word with Star, he came back over to his spot at the door. We both stood on go for the next two hours. Thankfully, our altercation with the three assholes seemed to deter any other disputes, and to all of our surprises, the rest of the night was pretty quiet.
Goose and I stuck around after closing and helped the girls shut everything down. I put the night’s take in the safe, and then, we were on our way. When we got out to the parking lot, Goose got in his truck and said, “Another day, another dollar.”
“We worked hard for that dollar tonight.”
“That we did.” Before closing his door, Goose smiled and said, “I’ll catch you on the flipside.”
“Night, brother.”
Once I was sure the last of the girls had gone, I got on my bike and started home. I’d planned to stay at the clubhouse for the night, but after the night I’d had, I was in a shitty mood and needed to lay my eyes on Jenna. It was late. I didn’t want to wake them, so I killed the engine at the end of the drive and went up to the front door instead of the back.
I’d been living there for years and never once had I been so glad to be home. But the feeling quickly faded when I stepped inside and was engulfed by an eerie silence. I knew right away something wasn’t right, so I went straight to the bedroom, and a sinking feeling settled in my stomach when I found the bed empty.
I rushed and checked the other rooms, and there was no sign of Jenna or Luna. Thinking they had to be there, I called out, “Jenna? Luna?”
But the only response I got was the hollow echo of my own voice.