Page 69 of Grim

“Love you, too.”

I gave her a quick kiss, then stood and told Stacie, “I’m supposed to be off by ten. I put some snacks and her PJs in her bag.”

“Okay. Sounds good. We’ll see you in a bit.”

Luna was already breaking out her coloring books when I made my way to the door, so I left her to it and headed downstairs. I rushed over to Jud, and I couldn’t contain my excitement when I told him, “I have good news.”


“Stacie asked me and Luna to go to the zoo with her this week.”

“The zoo?” His brows furrowed. “It’s a bit cold for that.”

“A little, but that’s not the point.” I gave him a little nudge. “She’s talking about getting out of the house. That’s huge, don’t ya think?”

“Yeah, it’s incredible.” I liked Jud. He was a good guy who absolutely adored his daughter. You could see it any time he talked about her. We all knew it pained him that she’d been attacked, and he worked so hard to help her get past it. It wasn’t easy. She’d been through quite an ordeal, but he sounded truly hopeful as he said, “It’s been months since she’s been out for any length of time.”

“Maybe she’s finally coming around.”

“That would be something.” He shook his head and smiled proudly. “It’s the kid. She’s what’s done it.”

“I don’t know. Maybe so. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if she follows through with us going, but the fact that she suggested it is a big step.”

“Yeah, it is. It really is.”

There was a rumble of impatient customers in the back of the bar, so I grabbed my apron and said, “I better get to it.”

“Careful with the table in the back. They’re a little rowdy tonight.”

“Will do.”

For an old bar, Rosie’s was always jumping, and I spent most of my nights on my feet, weaving between tables. Tonight was no different. I got a rush of adrenaline as I raced to keep up with all the orders. Trying to keep everyone happy and the drinks flowing was a juggling act, but I loved it. There was something exhilarating about wrangling the chaos.

By the end of the night, my feet were throbbing, and I was ready to get home and into bed. I helped Jud clean up, and then I headed upstairs to get Luna. She’d already dozed off on the sofa, so I wrapped her in her favorite blanket and carefully carried her down the stairs.

I was just about to reach the parking lot when I felt it again—someone was watching me, and it sent a chill down my spine. I stopped and quickly scanned the area but saw no one. I continued towards the car, but I didn’t get far before a figure emerged from the shadows.

A man dressed in a sleek black suit stepped between me and my car, causing me to stop dead in my tracks. My heart lurched with fear when the man sneered, “Hello, Jenna.”

I took a step back and tightened my grip on Luna as I asked, “Who are you?”

“Oh, come now. Don’t tell me you’ve already forgotten me.”

He took a step forward, and my blood ran cold when I finally caught a glimpse of his sinister face. He was a drug boss or dealer. I wasn’t sure what he considered himself. I just knew that he was the man who Steven and his gang worked for. I’d caught a glimpse of him when Steven sent me to the warehouse to pick up the monthly take.

It wasn’t something he would normally do, but the police had been watching him and he had no other choice but to send me. The guards didn’t like that he’d sent a woman, but they let me in and allowed the exchange. I was walking out when I glanced up at the office upstairs, and there was a man standing at the window, staring down at me.

Even from a distance, the look in his eye sent a chill down my spine.

“There it is.” A sinister smile crept across his face. “She knows. You can call me Delgado.”

“Why are you here? What do you want?”

“I came for my money.”

“What money?”

“Don’t play with me, girl. You know exactly what I’m talking about.” He motioned his head towards Rosie’s. “You’ve hidden yourself well, but unlike your brother, not quite well enough.”