“Good deal. Just let me know if you need anything.”
“You made him suffer?”
“In ways you can’t imagine.”
He gave me a nod, and I took that as my cue to head out. I went back to Shep’s room and spent the next few hours helping him collect everything we could possibly need on Delgado. He was true cartel, vicious and powerful, but we’d gone up against men like him before and would again. It was one of the many risks that came with being in a club like ours, especially when you controlled a territory like Little Rock.
Over the next few days, things were pretty quiet. There was no more talk of Delgado and his hunt for the Assassins, and while we were relieved, I knew better than to think we were totally in the clear. Hell, we were never totally in the clear—not with anyone.
But we didn’t let it slow us down.
We kept business running as usual, and business was good. The new blood at the Vault was bringing in quite a crowd—even more than usual, and our latest run had gone off without a hitch. For the most part, I’d say things were going pretty well. The same held true for Jenna.
Once she was certain Luna was okay, she went back to work at Rosie’s and things seemed to be going really well. She’d learned how to make some of their more popular drinks and was making tips hand over fist. I wanted to see her in action, so I stopped by the bar on my way home. When I walked in, I wasn’t pleased to discover that I wasn’t the only one who’d decided to stop by.
Skid was sitting at the front bar, talking with Jenna and a nearby customer. Jenna was smiling at him, and she looked so damn beautiful. I found myself wishing it was me she was talking to. I considered going over and joining them but decided against it when Jenna started laughing at something Skid had said.
I should’ve taken that as my cue and just left. That would’ve been the smart thing to do, but I let my hard head get the best of me and sat at a table in the back corner. A knot formed in my stomach as I sat there watching them laugh and carry on like a couple of love birds. I was tempted to go over and rip Skid a new one, but I couldn’t.
I had no claim to Jenna. She was simply a girl I was helping out.
Nothing more—even if I wanted it to be.
It was just the way it was.
I hadn’t been sitting there long when Jud came shuffling over with a cold one in his hand. He placed it in front of me as he said, “You look like you could use one of these.”
“As a matter of fact...” I picked it up and took a long pull before saying, “It’s been a day.”
“Must be something in the air.” Jud glanced around the almost empty bar and sighed. “Been the slowest night we’ve had in weeks.”
“I’m sure things will pick up.”
“I certainly hope so.” He motioned his head toward the front. “Your boy seems a bit smitten.”
“I see that.”
“You want me to do something about it?”
“Nah, no need in all that.” I quickly finished it off, then stood and dropped a ten on the table. “I’m heading out.”
“So soon?”
“I’ve got shit to do.”
I gave him a pat on the shoulder and started for the door. I’d just stepped outside when I heard Jenna call out, “Grim! Hold up!”
I glanced over my shoulder and my eyes met with hers. I held her gaze for a moment, then continued out to my bike and headed home.
The knot in my stomach was still there, and with every mile I drove, it got tighter and tighter. I needed to get a damn grip. I thought a hot shower might help, but no such luck. So, I tried a drink and then another. I was about to pour a third when Jenna walked through the front door, and I couldn’t help but notice that she was alone.
“Where’s Luna?”
“She’s staying with Stacie tonight.” She dropped her purse and keys on the table. “I’m going by in the morning to pick her up.”
I didn’t respond.
Instead, I poured myself that drink and tossed it back.