I don’t know what the hell I was thinking.
I had no business kissing Jenna like that.
And I certainly had no business telling her my fucking name.
But she was there when I needed something to cling to—something to keep me from going completely out of my mind. And it worked. The second her lips touched mine, my center of gravity shifted, and for the first time in a very long time, everything felt right in the world.
My timing couldn’t have been worse.
Luna was in the next room recovering. I should’ve been focused on her—just like her mother had been, but after my conversation with Shep, I wasn’t thinking straight. I’d gotten a couple of hours of shut-eye and was headed back to the infirmary when I ran into him in the hallway.
That’s when he informed me that he’d caught wind of the fact that someone had been asking questions about what had gone down with the Assassins. They wanted to know who’d had beef with them and why. So far, there hadn’t been a connection to us, but I feared it was only a matter of time—which is why I ordered Shep to find out who’d been working with the Assassins.
I knew it would take him some time, but I was impatient and wanted answers. So, I grabbed my keys, and without telling Jenna I was leaving, I headed outside to my bike. I kicked my leg over the seat and turned the key. The engine roared to life, drowning out the noise of my inner thoughts.
I backed out of the driveway and started down the street. The wind whipped against my leather, and with each mile I drove, I felt the tension leaving my body. I couldn’t explain it. There was just something about being out in the wind in the midst of the busy city streets that always helped clear my head, but sadly, it wasn’t long before thoughts of Jenna and that fucking kiss started creeping back in.
I needed to pull it together.
There was a possible threat against the club. That’s where my head needed to be. Not on some fucking kiss.
The ride was a damn waste. I was even more frustrated when I got to the clubhouse. I was hoping Shep would have news for me, but when I got down to his room, he was still plugging away at his laptop. I knew that wasn’t a good sign, but I had to ask, “Find anything?”
“Not yet.” He ran his hand over his beard as he shook his head. “I’ve had some leads, but so far, they’ve all been dead ends. Prez is making some calls, so hopefully, he’ll be able to come up with something.”
“Somebody knows something.”
“Yeah, it’s just a matter of finding them.”
“What can I do?”
“Just hang tight and try to be patient.”
“I was afraid you were going to say that.”
“Just need another hour or so.”
“Okay. You got it.”
I started out of the room but stopped the second I realized our answer was right there under our fingertips—I’d just been too damn distracted to even think about it. “I’ll get the information we need.”
“I’ve still got Ruben.”
“Ah, damn. I forgot all about that.”
“Give me an hour.”
Without saying anything more, I charged down the hall and out to the room where I’d been holding Ruben. I’d visited him several times over the past few weeks, and while my methods weren’t exactly the same, I’d made sure he’d experienced everything he and his buddies had done to Amy. Needless to say, he wasn’t pleased to see my face when I stepped into the room.
“Ah, God. Not again.”
He had a place to sit, but considering what he’d been through, I wasn’t surprised that he was standing. His hands were bound behind him, and he was covered in bruises and abrasions—but he was still breathing, which meant he was capable of withstanding more. I gave him a sinister smile as I said, “Well, hello to you, too.”
“I can’t do this shit anymore, man.” Ruben was a big fella who tried to play it tough, but in the end, he was a low-life coward. “Please, just end it. I’m begging you.”