She didn’t even know I was standing there.
I wasn’t sure that Grim knew it either.
His broad frame was sprawled back in his recliner with his feet perched high. He was watching an old TV series, and even though he didn’t seem to be paying her any mind, I wasn’t sure how he felt about Luna sitting in the room alone with him, especially after our earlier exchange.
The last thing I wanted to do was disturb him further, especially when he was trying to relax. I was trying to figure out how to get her when he mumbled, “She’s fine.”
“She can draw in the bedroom.”
“Or she could stay where she’s at.” He turned his head slightly, and a cold chill ran down my spine when his dark eyes met mine. “No reason to move her. She’s good.”
“Okay. As long as she isn’t bothering you.”
“No bother.” He turned his focus back to the TV, and I’d thought that was going to be that until he announced, “Pretty low on groceries, so I ordered pizza.”
“Oh, yeah. Skid had a list and was going to grab some stuff this afternoon but didn’t get the chance.”
“Where’s the list?”
“I’m pretty sure it’s still on the fridge.”
“I’ll take care of it.”
“I can do it,” I volunteered. “It’s the least I can do after all you’ve done.”
An awkward silence fell over us, and I wasn’t sure what to do or say. The last thing I wanted to do was set him off again, but there were things that needed to be said. I swallowed hard, then forced myself to say, “I didn’t get a chance to mention it earlier, but thanks for fixing my car. I don’t know what I would’ve...”
“It was nothing. Don’t sweat it.” He turned his head slightly—just enough to get a good look at me, then said, “You know, you could sit.”
“I don’t want to bother you.”
“Sit, Jenna.”
I nodded, then skirted past him and made my way over to Luna. I ran my hand over the top of her head as I whispered, “I thought I told you to stay in the room with me.”
“I not sleepy anymore.”
“But you didn’t tell me...” She was too focused on her drawing to pay me any mind, so I decided to just let it go. “Whatcha drawing?”
“A kitty-cat for Mr. Grim.”
“Oh, that’s sweet.” I glanced over at Grim. “I’m sure he will love it.”
I gave her a quick kiss on the forehead, then continued over to the sofa and sat down. I got the feeling he wasn’t in the mood to talk, but I felt compelled to say, “I want you to know that I really appreciate you doing this... I appreciate all of it. Letting us stay here. The car. Everything. And I’m so sorry about earlier with the cleaning. I should’ve never overstepped...”
“Don’t,” he interrupted. “It’s done. No sense going on and on about it.”
“Well, if I could change it, I would. I just want you to know that.”
“Understood.” He turned his attention back to the TV as he asked, “How much longer before she’s in school?”
“It won’t be long. She’s almost four, so I plan to enroll her in pre-K this fall.”
“Hmmm. Thought she was older.”
“I’ve heard that a lot. I think it’s because she talks so well and is so polite.”