“I don’t think so.”
“See?” Jimmy nudged Steven. “The stuck-up bitch thinks she’s too good for me.”
“She’s got no reason to think that shit,” Steven snapped. “Bitch don’t even got a place to live.”
“Steven,” I pleaded.
“You’ve always thought you were better,” he snarled. “And for no reason. Hell, look at ya. You’re nothing, and you’ll always be nothing.”
Jimmy took a step over to me and wrapped his grubby hands around my waist, pulling me against his chest. “I’m gonna fuck you so good.”
“That’s not happening.” I jerked free from his grasp. “Not now. Not ever.”
“It’s time for you to have an attitude adjustment.”
He raised his hand and smacked it across my face, busting my lip. His face was flushed with anger, and even though I knew more was coming, I sassed, “That all you got?”
“You little bitch!”
This time, he reared his hand back into a fist and plowed it into my eye, sending my head flailing back. Steven took the moment of opportunity to punch me in the stomach. It wasn’t the first time he’d put his hands on me. My dear brother was an asshole and could care less who he hurt—even his own flesh and blood.
I hunched over and wrapped my arms protectively across my chest, but it did little to help when he kneed me in the gut, taking my breath away. I was still trying to recover when Jimmy grabbed me and shoved me back, pinning me against the wall with his knife pressed against my throat. I could feel the blade cutting into my skin as his free hand dropped to my thigh.
“Not so tough after all.” He started inching towards my crotch, groping me as he said, “I’m gonna fuck you long and hard.”
“Fuck you, Jimmy.”
When I tried to push him off me, he tightened his grip on my throat and called out to Steven, “Help me get her on the bed.”
Steven stepped over and grabbed my hands, tugging me towards the bed. They’d just gotten me on my back when the front door flew open with a hard thud, like someone had just kicked it in. Jimmy shot up and looked over to Steven, “What the hell was that?”
“Fuck if I know.”
They both started for the door, and as soon as they stepped out of the room, Jimmy shouted, “Woah, who the hell are you?”
“Yeah. Who the fuck...”
Before he could finish his thought, gunfire exploded through the house. I heard Steven wail as the bullets rattled through his body, and he dropped to the ground. A small part of me felt a slight pull to rush out into the hall and check on him. But that feeling quickly faded into a cold, numb relief. The past couple of years with him had been rough, and over the past few weeks, I actually started to fear for my life and Luna’s.
Tonight, he proved that feeling right.
All thoughts rushed from my mind the second I heard footsteps coming down the hall. Whoever had killed my brother and Jimmy was coming for me and my precious daughter, and there was nothing I could do about it. I was a sitting duck.
I considered darting under the bed with Luna, but it was too small. I would never fit, so I let my back slide down the wall. As soon as my rear hit the ground, I drew my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs. I lowered my head and braced myself for what was to come.
Seconds later, I heard the men enter the room. One of them continued over to me, stopping just inches from my feet and nudged my calf with their boot. “Hey.”
I lifted my head, and as I looked up, my eyes were met with the most fierce, terrifying, unbelievably gorgeous man I’d ever seen. He had dark hair and even darker eyes, and he was broad and muscular in a way that let you know he could handle whatever came his way. He’d just killed my brother, and I had every reason to believe that he would do the same to me and Luna just for having ties to him.
I wasn’t sure how to answer, so I remained silent.
He studied the marks on my face for a moment, then asked, “They do that to you?”
I nodded. “You killed them.”
“Yeah, well, we had our reasons.” He glanced back at his two friends at the door, then turned his attention back to me. “You got a name?”