Page 13 of Grim

We were loading everything into the back of the SUVs when Shep came running up behind us. The big brute looked relieved as he rushed over and handed me a folder. “We got ‘em.”

“All of them?”

“Every last one.”

“Good work, brother.” I motioned my head toward the SUV as I asked, “You coming with?”


Without hesitation, he whipped around to the side of the truck and got in. He’d just closed the door when Prez and Memphis, Beckett’s brother, stepped out of the clubhouse and started walking towards us. As expected, they both looked visibly shaken, but more than that, they looked enraged in a way I’d never seen before.

Prez didn’t say a word as he got in the front seat of my SUV and closed the door. When Memphis started over to Duggar’s truck, I called out to him, “Memphis?”


“You sure this is a good idea?”

“We’re going, Grim.”

His determined tone made it clear that he couldn’t be dissuaded from coming along to seek revenge for his brother’s death, so I gave him a nod and finished loading the last of our gear. Once I was done, I closed the back hatch and got inside with Prez and Shep. I started the engine, and as soon as I started through the gate, Creed followed behind with Ghost, Gash, and Memphis. Duggar was the last to roll out with Smitty and several prospects.

We hadn’t gotten far when I felt compelled to turn to Prez and say, “I’m sorry, Prez. I should’ve...”

“Don’t,” Prez ordered, cutting me off.

The truck fell silent, and the already tense moment became excruciating. I should’ve listened to Creed and kept my fucking mouth shut. We all rode in silence for several long minutes, and I thought we would remain that way until Prez finally said, “What happened to Beckett isn’t on you."

“But it is.” My shoulders tensed. "I spent the last two days with him. I should've known."

“I’m his father, and I didn’t know.” Prez shook his head, his eyes reflecting the pain we both felt. "None of us could've seen it coming. Beckett knew what he was doing. He knew what would happen if he went in there, and he went anyway. That’s on him. Blaming yourself won't bring him back."

I felt my chest tighten as I said, “I let you down.”

“No, I let myself down.” Prez let out a breath. "I’m his father. I shouldn’t have pushed so damn hard, but I did and here we are. I just need us to get through this thing without losing anyone else. Can we do that?”

“We’ll do the best we can,” Shep answered from the back.

“That’s all I ask.”

With that, the conversation ended, and I took the moment to mentally prepare for what lay ahead. It was going to be a hell of a fight, but then again, it always was. I didn’t mind it. I liked the rush that came with the hunt, but I didn’t like having my brothers in the line of fire.

Unfortunately, this wasn’t a fight I could do without them. We weren’t just seeking revenge on the Assassins. We were setting an example for anyone else who might consider going up against Fury, and we had to do it in a way that would leave an impression.

It was still daylight when we pulled into the gravel-strewn parking lot. It was a risk to go in without the cover of night, but it was the best way for us to maintain the element of surprise. We pulled around back and parked, and even though I’d never been inside, I could tell the place was a dump.

Some of the bricks on the exterior were busted or cracked, the roof needed replacing ten years ago, and there was trash and weeds scattered all over the lot. A dozen or so cars were parked out front, and several were sporting the Assassins’ black and red colors on their rearview mirrors. I hoped that was a good sign as I parked and started to get out of the truck.

As soon as everyone had gathered around, I started with the rundown. “Seven and I will be the first ones going in. We’ll need Duggar and Ghost to cover us until we’re inside, and once we get into position, all bets are off. I’m gonna shoot who I can, and I’m gonna need you boys to do the same.”

“You two aren’t going in there without me,” Memphis interjected. “Beck was my brother, and...”

“That’s not going to happen,” Prez interrupted. “I’ve already lost one son today. I’m not taking a chance on losing another.”

“You can’t keep me from going in there...”

“I can, and I am. You’re not going, and I don’t wanna hear another fucking word about it.”
