Page 88 of Grim

“But I was going to fix dinner tonight. Will you be gone all day?”

“Go ahead.” I slipped on my boot as I told her, “It shouldn’t take me long.”

“Okay, but you have to promise to call if you’re gonna be late.”

“Not a problem.”

“And go by and see Blade while you’re there,” she ordered. “I want him to check that wound.”

“Sure thing, boss.” I stood and walked over to her. After a quick kiss, I told her, “I’ll be back when I can.”

“Be careful.”


On my way out, I spotted Luna in her room. She was sitting on her bed, eating a pack of animal crackers, and she looked perfectly content as she talked with one of her stuffed rabbits. It did my soul good to see her so happy. It made it hard to walk out of the house and head out to my bike.

But I had loose ends to tie up, and it was time to tie the knot.

I got on my Harley, and a weird sensation washed over me as I backed out of the drive. At first, I didn’t know what the feeling was, and then, it hit me. I didn’t want to leave them—either of them. Goddamn it. I needed to get my fucking balls in check.

Thankfully, I would be doing that sooner than later.

When I got to the clubhouse, I swung by Blade’s room and let him patch me up, then went directly down to Prez’s office. I knocked, then stuck my head inside and was pleased to see that he was sitting at his desk. “Hey, brother. I wasn’t expecting you back so soon.”

“Figured I would pay Delgado a visit but wanted to check in with you first.”


“Shep mentioned that there’s a strong possibility that Delgado is Tyrone’s supplier. I wanted to make sure we have a plan B in place before I took him out.”

“Yeah, I talked to Gus a couple of hours ago. He said he can hook us up with some pretty good shit. He seems to think it’s the best he’s ever had.”

“No shit? Is this the stuff coming out of Nashville?”

“Yeah, it’s Ruthless Sinners. They’re growing it themselves, and apparently, it’s the real deal. He said we could make a pretty penny with it.”

“Sounds good.”

“Yeah, I thought so, too. We’re gonna head over to Memphis tomorrow morning so he can give us all the ins and outs.”

“Mind if I tag along?”

“Wouldn’t go without ya.”

“Good deal. I’ll be ready.” I started for the door as I told him, “You might wanna grab your headphones for a bit.”

“Thanks for the heads up.”

I left Prez’s office and made a beeline for the holding room where they’d taken Delgado. He’d been there for more than twenty-four hours, and even though it hadn’t been all that long, he wasn’t looking that great. He wasn’t smelling all that great either.

We’d given him a little water here and there, but other than that, he’d been left to his own devices and that hadn’t fared well with him, especially since he had his hands bound behind his back and his feet chained to the chair.

Dude was stuck sitting in his excrement, and that had to suck.

But it was nothing compared to what he had come coming.

He started with the theatrics the second he spotted me coming towards him. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll let me go.”