“Good deal.”
Shep opened Jeanna’s car and put the duffle bag in her front seat as he said, “She’s all set.”
“Then, it looks like we’re ready to roll.”
“Alright then, let’s do this.”
Jenna held my gaze for a moment, then turned and got in her car. I didn’t feel good about any of this and hesitated briefly before following Shep over to my SUV. We got in with Ghost, Little Nix, and Rusty, while Prez and Creed got in with Skid, Memphis, and the others. I was the first to pull through the gate with Jenna following close behind.
It took us less than half an hour to get over to the mill. The processing plant where Delgado was holed up was just across the street, so we dispersed and approached the building from various directions. Memphis parked at the side of the lumber yard between two semi-trucks while Prez parked directly across from where they had a clear view of the back.
Once everyone was in place, Shep pulled out his laptop. With the help of the hidden cameras and microphone, we were able to watch as Jenna pulled up to the front of the building and got out of her car. She paused for a moment, then let out a breath and whispered, “Okay, guys. I’m heading inside.”
With the duffle bag in tow, she started towards the front door. She didn’t make it far before she was greeted by one of the guards. It was dark, but with the security light overhead, I was able to watch as he patted her down. Once he was certain that she wasn’t packing, he reached for the bag and took a quick look inside before he led her through the entrance.
“Looks like we’re in,” Shep announced proudly.
When he turned up the sound on her microphone, we heard the guard say, “Stay put, and I’ll let Delgado know you’re here.”
“Why do I have to wait?” Jenna pushed. “He knows I’m coming. I have what he asked me to bring. I don’t get the holdup.”
I wanted to warn her not to act so fucking suspicious, but there was nothing any of us could do. We could only sit there and watch as the guy answered, “You show up here at almost three in the morning and don’t expect to wait? Fuck off.”
“I’m just anxious to get my daughter.”
“Don’t give a fuck. Now, stay put like I fucking told ya.”
He stepped inside and closed the door behind him, leaving Jenna outside, waiting alone—which I didn’t like. I didn’t like it at all. “What the fuck is going on?”
“Just give it a minute,” Shep whispered. “She hasn’t been waiting up there long.”
Patience had never been one of my strong suits, so sitting here like a fucking duck had me on edge. I was growing more impatient by the second and was on the verge of losing my resolve when the guard returned.
He eased the door open and announced, “He’s ready for you.”
She nodded, then stepped through the door. We could see every step she took, and his place was just as she described. Outside, it looked to be in shambles, but the inside looked like an upscale office you’d find uptown. When she reached the end of the hall, there was a man waiting for her. He was dressed in black dress pants and a blue dress shirt, but his hair was disheveled like he’d just woken up.
“Ah, there she is.” A sinister smile crossed his face as he said, “I knew you would come through for me.”
“I couldn’t come up with the money.” As she handed him the duffle bag, we heard her say, “But I’m hoping this will do.”
Delgado took the bag from her hand and placed it on the table. He unzipped it, and once he saw what was inside, he looked back to Jenna. “Is it all here?”
“I can’t say for sure, but I think so.”
“For your sake, I hope you’re right.”
“Where’s my daughter?”
“She’s asleep in my office. You can have her as soon as I see that everything’s here.”
When he started pulling the bags of dope out of the duffle, I knew it was time to move. I didn’t want to take a chance on him spotting the hidden device, so I gave everyone a moment to get into position, then I turned to Shep and gave him the nod, giving him the go-ahead to proceed. He took out the detonator and then looked back at the screen.
Delgado was reaching inside when Shep pressed the button on the detonator, triggering the device. The gas was invisible and had no scent, so none of them knew what was coming until Jenna’s camera started to sway. Seconds later, she collapsed to the ground, and Delgado gasped, “What the fuck...”
Before he could finish his sentence, he was on the ground next to her. When the other guards quickly started dropping, I ordered, “Let’s move.”
We all got out of the truck. Prez and Creed led their group up the back while me, Ghost, and Rusty started toward the front. Just as we started our approach, Seven took out the two men standing guard, giving us full access to the door. With weapons drawn, we opened the door and charged inside. It was eerily quiet as we started down the long, narrow hall.