I’ve gone to pick up Luna.
Drink your water. Take Tylenol.
We’ll be back soon with coffee and a bite to eat.
I looked over to the table, and there was a new bottle of water and two more Tylenol. I did as he’d said and took the medicine and drank the water. Then, I curled back up into the covers and closed my eyes. I didn’t sleep. My head was pounding too hard for that, but I was able to rest a bit longer and that did me a world of good, especially with the Tylenol.
I was just starting to feel more like myself when I heard the front door open, followed by Luna’s little feet trotting across the kitchen floor. The front door closed just as Lawson warned, “Easy there, kid. You don’t wanna dump all the donuts on the floor.”
There was some shuffling around, and from the sounds of it, they’d bought all kinds of goodies. After a few minutes, Lawson asked, “You want a glazed or a chocolate one?”
“I want sprinkles.”
“You got it.”
Luna whispered, “What about Momma?”
“She’s still sleepin’.”
She didn’t say anything more. I knew then that she’d already dove into her donut. It wouldn’t be long before she was done and ready to move on to the next thing, so I forced myself out of bed. I grabbed some fresh clothes before slipping into the bathroom. I took a long shower, and once I was done, I got dressed and went to check on Luna.
When I got to the kitchen, there was a big box of donuts sitting on the counter with a large mocha and a large vanilla latte. Like his son, Lawson wasn’t sure what kind of coffee I liked, so he bought extra. I put the mocha in the fridge before slipping the latte into the microwave. I warmed it up a bit before making my way into the living room.
A smile tugged at the corner of my lips when I walked in and found Lawson sprawled out in his recliner with Luna lying back on his chest. She was completely engrossed in her TV show while he was taking a snooze.
Luna looked perfectly content like she didn’t have a care in the world and seeing her so happy made my heart swell. I didn’t want to disturb them, so I stood still and watched as Luna shifted slightly, snuggling even closer to Lawson. He instinctively slipped his arm beneath her, making sure she wasn’t going to fall.
I tried to be still, but after a couple of minutes, Luna spotted me and announced, “Momma.”
“Good morning, sweet girl.” I stepped over and kissed her on the forehead. “Did you have fun with Stacie?”
“Um-hmm. We made cookies.”
“That sounds like fun.”
She nestled back in the crook of Lawson’s arm and glanced back at the TV, signaling that she was done talking. I kissed her once more before heading over to the sofa. I’d just sat down when Lawson muttered, “I thought you’d still be sleeping.”
“You would think.”
“How ya feeling?”
“Not too bad.”
A lazy smile crept over his face as he whispered, “I thought that last shot was gonna get ya.”
“It did.” I pulled the Afghan over me as I motioned my head over to Luna. "Looks like you two have had a nice morning."
“We’re trying.” He chuckled. “Your girl loves her some sprinkle donuts.”
“That she does, and it was really sweet of you to get her some.”
“Glad to do it.”
“And thanks for picking her up and letting me sleep in.”